Our Disneyland Guru and columnist, Heather Sievers, checked in last night and discovered the dates that Disneyland’s Candy Palace is planning to make their famous Disneyland candy canes.
Here’s what she found out (all dates subject to change!):
Candy Canes will be made on 11/26, 11/30, 12/9, 12/11, 12/13, 12/17, 12/21, 12/24, 12/29
The only place to purchase Disneyland’s hand made candy canes will be at the Candy Palace on Main Street on those dates. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the candy canes and to avoid crowds and lines, tickets will be handed out at the Candy Palace at park opening on those dates.
Heather was also told that candy stores around Disneyland would be selling “machine made” candy cane replicas for people who don’t want to wait it line for tickets. A ticket will allow each person 2 hand made candy canes.
i’m sad they won’t be making these when i’m there. i don’t care for candy canes, but would certainly buy one for my little gal. plus, can you imagine the photo op???
i just may have to reschedule my trip to DL just for this.
Friday. . . must. . wait. . in. . .line. Must. . have. . .canes!
will. . take. . .pictures!
robin — Yes Yes Yes! Reschedule!
John — Can’t WAIT to see the pics!!! Send me an email!
AJ, we failed miserably. We were 4 from tickets and then they were cut off for the day. If you guys want them, better get there super early and run it in. Apparently the block of proto-cane in the video only makes 40 canes, so they sell out lightning fast.
We went Tuesday Nov. 30. The park didn’t open until 9 am. We arrived at the front gates around 8 am to be first in line. Sadly, Disney had their “magic morning”. This means if you have park hopper tickets, breakfast with the characters or stayed at a Disney hotel you get in 1 hour earlier than pass holders or someone that bought a ticket for the day. Candy canes tickets were all given out by 8:30 am. The gates didn’t even open for us until 9 am. Everybody should have the same chance to get a candy cane.
John — Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry you missed out, especially after waiting for so long
Linda — Yikes! These things sell out like NKOTB tickets in 1989!!!