Details for the 2013 Disney Dining Plans are being unveiled!
You can see updated pricing for the 2013 plans below (thanks to reader Pudge the Fish for this!). And there are price changes as well as clarifications that you need to know about if you’re planning a 2013 trip.
The major stand-out seems to be that Le Cellier in Epcot is listed as two table service credits for both LUNCH and dinner meals.
2013 Disney Dining Plan Pricing
As always, the price has gone up on many of the plans. See calculations below…
Quick-Service Dining Plan
(all year long)
$37.58 per night ages 10 and up
$14.32 per night age 3 to 9
2012 was $34.99 and $11.99.
See more info on the Quick Service Dining Plan page.
Standard Dining Plan
(Value and Regular Season)
$55.59 per night ages 10 and up
$17.16 per night age 3 to 9
2012 was $51.54 and $15.02.
(Peak Season)
$56.94 per night ages 10 and up
$18.16 per night ages 3 to 9
2012 was $53.54 and $16.02.
Read all about the Standard Dining Plan!
Deluxe Dining Plan
(Value and Regular Season)
$99.97 per night ages 10 and up
$26.84 per night ages 3 to 9
2012 was $85.52 and $23.79.
(Peak Season)
$102.27 per night ages 10 and up
$28.91 per night ages 3 to 9
2012 was $89.52 and $25.79.
We’ve got all the details on our Deluxe Dining Plan page.
Le Cellier Lunch
The 2013 brochure now shows Le Cellier Steakhouse in Epcot as a two table-service credit restaurant for lunch! Since March 2011, the restaurant has been a one-credit location for lunch and a two-credit location for dinner.
Other Clarifications
There have been a few changes made to the Disney Dining Plan brochures for 2013 as well.
Special Dining Events
The brochure this year spells out clearly that “special dining events with special menus offered at certain table-service locations” are not included in the Disney Dining Plan.
This specification now appears in the brochure: “An automatic gratuity charge may also be added to your bill for items you order that are not included in the Disney Dining Plan (e.g. alchoholic beverages).”
Prix Fixe Menus
There will be a surcharge now for ordering from prix fixe menus. The brochure states “Choosing items from a separate prix fixe menu offered at certain locations requires payment of a surcharge in addition to redeeming the number of Table-Service entitlements required at the location.”
You’ll need to cancel any Advance Dining Reservations by 10pm on the day prior to your reservation to avoid any cancellation fees.
Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue Show Time
Disney Dining Plan includes category 1 seating for the 8:30pm show (was 9:30pm in 2012). Category 2 and 3 seating is still available at all show times.
This is due to the the upcoming schedule change: Starting October 1, 2012, Hoop Dee Doo Revue at Fort Wilderness will be shown at 4 p.m., 6:15 p.m., and 8:30 p.m.
More Updates to Come
While restaurants are listed on the plans, it’ll take some time before all eateries are finalized (usually some restaurants wait until the last minute to re-up their status in the Dining Plan).
Stay tuned for more Disney Dining Plan information as it is released. Please understand that this is all subject to change.
Thanks to reader Pudge the Fish for the heads up and extra details on this news!
I’m not sure if this was stated anywhere, but I just went to book some reservations for 2013 and ALL of the places I wanted to use my regular dining plan stated that the restaurant didn’t qualify and that I’d need a deluxe dining plan to use them at that restaurant.
Crystal Palace, Tony’s, Liberty Tree, Coral Reef, Chef Mickey’s, Spirit of Aloha… ALL of them say that you have to have a deluxe dining plan (despite what it says in their “2013Dining.pdf”).
Amanda — There must be some glitch in the system.
Yeah. That seems to be the case. I talked to a customer service rep and they couldn’t figure out why I am seeing this on their site and also in the confirmation emails, but they were very distraught by it and said they would try to figure it out.
If I can’t go to these places using the regular dining plan, then I don’t see a reason to get it. There’s no way I’m paying for the deluxe dining plan. I’ll pay out of pocket instead. I may do that anyway once I price it all out for my family. (We don’t eat all the much when we dine.)
This is something that happens every year. For whatever reason, each restaurant that is participating this year must recommit to the following year. Sometimes it takes a little time for that to happen. Keep checking back often as more and more restaurants will be added each day.
I just encountered this too and am so upset! I booked all my character meals 180 days out for Feb. and now they all say they are not included in the dining plan. There is no way I can afford to pay out of pocket for them on top of the meal plan but all the non-character meals that use 1 credit are now already booked for the times I want so I can’t even switch. I really hope it is just a glitch but it shows they are included in the deluxe meal plan so I don’t see how that could be. Will call tonight from home to try to find out. I will be so upset with Disney if they changed the rules after I booked everything!
Since we last went in Dec 2010 to now WDW has not only been raising the price of the Deluxe Plan but also has been cutting its value. They slowly have worked the appetizers out of the meals so a 6 day pakage with three table service meals were effectively cut by say $10 an appetizer or $180. Whcih is a major secret price increase.
I also was looking at the WDW PDF on where you can use the table service meals and it looks like they significantly cut back on the places you can use it. For example, it only lists 4 place in Epcot: Biergarten, Chefs de France, Coral Reef, and Rose and Crown. None of the country specific places are listed: Nine Dragons, Tangierine, etc.
Do NOT cancel those dining reservations! Closer to 2013 more restaurants will be added as participating in the dining plans. This happens every year. Most all of the 2012 restaurants will be back on the list.
Thanks, Theresa! That makes me feel much better! I will keep them and just hope they are all added for 2013. They are all pretty standard (Chef Mickey, Tusker House, Cinderella’s Royal Table) so hopefully they will all be part of the standard dining plan as they have in past years.
I was just going to call about the same thing! Unfortunately, I did cancel all the reservations I made (Le Cellier, Flying Fish, Chef Mickey’s)…but now after reading the above posts, I’ll resubmit reservations, and cross my fingers as the months move along! Thank you!
We booked a few months ago for the Old key west resort and were very happy with the package we got offered ( 1snack, 1counter, 1 table and a drink ) Now it appears Disney has drastically and I mean drastically reduced the venues u can eat at ! in 2012 there was 101 counter and over 50 table now in 2013 there is only 80 counter and just over 30 table. This is very poor as in downtown disney alone there is only 1 place to eat, How can you secure a booking when the world and his wife will also be trying to book at these restaurants?
We are very concerned by this new information and are considering staying at a none disney resort. I am not happy and feel very let down down by Disney.
Joanne, many of the restaurants should be added to the dining plan later in the year (2012).
Gabbi-One change to 2013 will be that Le Cellier lunch will now be 2 ts credits as is dinner. Something to keep in mind!
Joanne-I think you’ll be pleased with the restaurants available on the dining plan once all the restaurants have committed to 2013. You should see little difference from 2012. Be patient!
I also booked for 2013 a couple of months ago & have just noticed today the drastic reduction in restaurants included – particularly in DTD and Epcot…not impressed :@
Hi, new here, but came on to find out about the restaurant list for 2013 as it looked so much less than this years, but now some of you have mentioned that more will/should be added later on in the year, this is reasurring, as we are trying to work out wether to book a value resort and pay for our food or pay a bit extra for a deluxe resort and get the plan free. we are here in the UK, and were hoping to go to T rex and rainforest for the children, but these aren’t onthe list as yet, I hope they go back on, especially as Down town disney only has 1 table service on the list at the moment.
Hi, I am planning to book a quick service dining plan and I’d like to know if the first meal (breakfast) is only served until certain time in the morning, or if I can have it as lunch, a little later. Thank you!
Andy — Breakfast is only served until a certain time at counter service. Varies restaurant to restaurant.
With the rather significant price increase to the Deluxe Dining Plan, I was wondering what everyone’s take is to whether or not TIW is a better deal versus the Deluxe Dining Plan. We have traditionally used TIW since we stayed offsite but next spring we are staying onsite and we have seen great value / return out of it. Unless Disney’s planning to increase all of the food prices by 10%+ in 2013 as it seems they have with about everything else this past year (tickets, dining plans, etc.) I’m not sure which is the better value.
Looking towards hearing everyone’s take.
Very disappointing that Disney is removing so many great restaurants in their dining plan for 2013. Really… Only 1 restaurant on the dining plan at downtown disney? Will really rethink staying on property due to this.
Barbara – Each restaurant has to “renew” to be on the DDP and TIW programs. For whatever reason Disney releases those who renewed on an ongoing basis which gives the perception that if they are not on this ongoing list they are not participating. This practice doesn’t make sense but it is what it is.
I had the same warning lights go off as you when I was looking at TIW participating restaurants in the past and this is what the CMs told me.
Thanks, Marc for explaining that for Barbara!
It’s true. Those Downtown Disney restaurants (non-Disney owned) take a while to renew their contract with Disney. You’ll see them all added to that list by the end of the year/beginning of January.
Hello everyone! Is there a way to know when the free dining plan will be offered in 2013 for planning purposes? Thanks!
Alison — We never know if the free dining plan will be offered or not. It’s an incentive run by Disney, and has been different every year. We’ll let you know here on the blog as soon as we hear anything.
I will only do the dlux dining plan! Bc it pays off in the end an we can eat almost evry where an dont have to worry about that $400 bill! Because it already paidfor! Myfamily did this when i was little an ido it with my kids ever year we go! I would nver go without it! The first time we went my husband was kind of against it bc it cost alittle money! But i talked him in to it an when we went he was so glad when he seen some of the prices an the bills at th end!
can this dining plan be added to a hotel reservation or only with trip packages now? i would like to buy fl resident tickets and hotel but add a dining plan.
sl_zer0 — From what I understand, you’d need to purchase a vacation package, but you can get a package with florida resident hotel discounts.
It’s true,more money, fewer restaurants and far less value. Looks like it will pay as we go from now on and stay off campus. It is not the friendly happy mouse,its the big, bad greedy wolf.
For People using timeshare to trade into the disney property (we have done this regularly) you can purchase the dining plan to be added on. We get our tickets through the military for the discount, use timeshare to stay, so we treat ourselves with the dining plan.
I would like to know the effective dates of the dining plan and how many dining table reservations I am able to make. I arrive 5:00 pm March 5 and leave 6:00 pm March 14. Please advise how many quick snacks, dining reservations I qualify for. Thanks
Hi Debbie,
You will get 1 table service, 1 quick service and 1 snack credit per person per NIGHT of your stay. So for your stay, each person will get 9 table service meals, 9 quick service and 9 snacks. Hope that helps!
I have 3 boys – 11, 9 and 6. THe 6 year old will be fine on the kids plan, but my 9 year old always wants to order off the adult menu. Is it worth it to get the dining plan for our family? Thx
Heather — There are so many considerations that go into whether or not the dining plan is the right choice for any particular family that we can’t say definitively if it’s right or wrong for yours. Our suggestions are to look at what the dining plan offers, consider what your family eats on a daily basis, check Disney menus and prices to see if what you would order would be worth the cost of the plan. We have a great breakdown and analysis in our DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining e-Book. You can see sample pages at Good luck and have a great trip!
Heather, I had the same problem with my son when he was 9. His appetite was bigger than the kids plan he had to choose from. So we decided that for that transition year (after 9 he is considered an adult on the DDP) we would book as many buffet type meals as we could stand. Then, he was able to go up as many times as he wanted and could also eat some of the food from the adult side of the buffet line. No one ever questioned his age. AJ is right about the many considerations when purchasing the DDP. We have always bought it simply for the convenience of having it all paid for ahead of time but you could do that simply be putting the money for your dining aside and paying off your credit card when you return from your trip. Or you could buy some Disney Gift cards if you don’t want to use your credit card. We got the dining plan the last time that we went and we had some gift cards (non Disney gift cards) that we got with reward points and used the gift cards to pay our tips. Hope you enjoy your trip!
Hi! We will be in WDW 5/25-6/1 and are planning on spending 5 days in Disney and 2 days at Universal. My question is if I purchase a 5 day park hopper, can I purchase 6 days of Disney dining?
Brigette — If you tie the dining plan to your reservation, I believe you’ll have the same number of dining nights as you do room stay nights. The ticket should be able to be for fewer nights, though!
Bridgett, DDP must be purchased for an entire stay. So if you are staying 8 nights in your disney hotel you need to buy 8 days of DDP, unless you book separate reservations. And it must be for everyone in your room. Park tickets are not bound by your stay or the number of people staying in your room. You can buy as few or as many days as you like.
This may seem like a stupid question, sorry, I am a FL resident with annual passes for the family and I. We were just offered a great hotel rate and for the first time a dining plan! So answer me this…the quick service plan would only give us 2 meals and a snack each if we are staying 1 night? Or does the next day get included?
Jennifer, it would be 2 meals and one snack per night. So one night gets you 2 meals and 1 snack per guest. Still not bad when tossed in as a freebie!
Wow Jennifer! When…I don’t know anything about this!
I have one question, if I get quick service dining plan for one person, can I redeemed for my husband also some of the snacks? How are they going to know whom eat it?
Denisse — All guests staying in the same hotel room must be on the same dining plan, so unless your husband is staying in a separate hotel room you wouldn’t be able to get the dining plan just for yourself.
Thank you AJ.. we are staying outside Disney Resort and my husband also told me that if I’m staying outside Disney Resort I can’t buy a dining plan. thank you anyway for your comments.
I will be arriving at disney 9 pm. Does this day count towards my meal plan?
Hi, my family will be traveling and my children will be 5, 34 months and 22 months. Is it worth us getting a dining plan and if so which one. We’d like to be able to attend approximately 2-3 show and we will be staying for a week.