How do you capture that Disney vibe long after you’ve eaten your last Mickey Bar? The nose knows, as they say!
We first showed you these quirky-yet-kind-of-awsesome Disney Food-Inspired Air Fresheners a while back, but on a recent trip to Disney World, I got to check them out firsthand!
Do they really send you right back to that last vacation with Disney-scented memories? I’ll let you know what I think!
Oh, and by the way? Are you thinking stocking stuffers like I am? Great timing. The Disney Store is having a great online sale now through Thursday, which means you can get 25% off of these or any other Disney Parks merchandise you pick up! Just click this link or any of the links below and use PARK25 at check-out for the discount!
Disney Food-Inspired Air Fresheners
When I first heard about these Disney food air fresheners, I was a skeptic. Seriously? How do you “bottle” Mickey Waffle smell?? So I was pretty intrigued to give these a sniff myself.
Turkey Leg Air Freshener
Which one did I start with? The Turkey Leg Air Freshener, of course. I just couldn’t believe that this could be for real!
So a took a nice, deep sniff, and thought… “Yep; that’s meaty.” And it was, but I’m not at all sure that I’d want that smell tumbling out of my car on a hot summer day.
After thinking long and hard about how I wanted to describe the scent to you, I realized exactly what it reminded me of: a meat-flavored rawhide dog bone after it had been chewed for a little while. 😉 Luckily, that was by far my least favorite of the bunch!
Mickey Waffle Air Freshener
Next came the Mickey Waffle Air Freshener. Who doesn’t heart Mickey Waffles and want them in their car?!
Here, you definitely get a nice sweet smell. It doesn’t offer a malt-y waffle scent so much as a general bakery smell, but it’s still one of my favorites of the bunch!
Candy/Caramel Apple Air Freshener
Then I moved on to the Minnie Mouse Candy Apple Air Freshener. (It’s called a candy apple on the package, but we all know it’s really caramel and chocolate.)
This one had a nice balance of smells, and did smell a bit like chocolate-covered fruit — so that part’s correct! The fruit was tempered by a floral note, too.
I think this would be a terrific way to brighten up a space with a soft, enjoyable scent with a bit of chocolate underneath!
Mickey Bar Air Freshener
Finally, one that every Disney food lover must check out is the Mickey Bar Air Freshener.
This one is easily identifiable as chocolate, with that strong “scratch and sniff” cocoa smell we all remember from our childhood sticker books. (Well, I remember it. And I’ll loan you my sticker books if you’d like to cross-check.)
But I was a little surprised that I didn’t catch more of a vanilla note. (You know. With the ice cream underneath and all.) Still, climbing into my car and seeing this happy little guy would certainly bring smiles.
Oh…and just in case you were confused about the purpose…don’t play with this. Or hold it in front of your face while driving.
So while we’re still waiting to hear if they launch a Dole Whip version in response to our request, we’ll get started with these for now! (Well. Except for that Turkey Leg. ;-D)
And remember, if these or any other Disney Parks merch items catch your eye, pick it up for 25% off through Thursday at! Just use PARK25 at check-out for the discount!
Which Disney Food-Inspired Room Freshener will be dangling from YOUR rearview? Let us know in the comments below!
Hmmm….I just don’t do air fresheners. Yuck! 😛 Now, if they made these into scented candles, that might be a different story! 🙂
I have the Mickey Waffle one in my car! It makes me so happy after a long day at work.
I bought these and I was really disappointed. I didn’t think they smelled at all like the items they were replicating. I sent them back. I think that is the first time I have returned my Disney Store purchase, but they were a little gross! I had the ice cream, the waffle, and the apple. My kids agreed. Disney does SUCH a good job with matching scents and creating a scene through the senses, that I felt they fell WAY short with this product. If they could package the scents from Soarin’ and Main Street into a candle, I’d be a repeat customer.
So, these were a fail for us, but they are cute, and if you keep them in the package, it may work out OK! LOL. Glad you liked them and thanks for the review!
I have the “Candy” Apple one in my car and I absolutely LOVE it! It’s the perfect scent for fall. It is kind of florally and sweet but that doesn’t bother me at all. And it looks SUPER cute hanging up, too!
My only thing is that it’s a little bit big, so it kind of gets in the way when I’m driving. So the only thing I’d do to fix it is to make it a little bit smaller. But other than that, if they make a bigger variety (I, too, would love a Dole Whip one!) I will totally buy them!
oh darn… I can’t hold it in front of my face while driving? that takes all the fun away. lol
I would totally love the Ice Cream one! But would LOVE a dole whip one!
Bring on the Dole Whip!! 🙂
JennM — Ooh, great idea! That would be REALLY easy to do in a Dole Whip version!
Melissa — Aw, that’s awesome. Thank you for sharing your review!
Laura — Ha ha ha!! I love the suggestion to keep them in the package! 😉 I can see why you were disappointed; these do have a more artificial smell than I was expecting from Disney.
Holly — Hooray! I’m so glad you’re enjoying that adorable Minnie apple and getting to look at her every day in your car 🙂
Angie — Hey girl! So great to see you in my comments! Ha ha — I know; it ruins ALL the fun to know I can’t play with this as a toy. 😉
LeeAnn — You know it!!!
The turkey leg one that I have in my car lasted about a week before the smell as gone.
When I was at the parks a few weeks ago I could determine where these were hanging in the stores about two aisles over. Taken separately they are not too bad, but all together -many of them at once – the smell was overpowering, and kind of yucky too.
My son bought the turkey leg and the Mickey bar- two of my favorite park treats but not to smell. I left the turkey leg in the package because I thought the smell was strange. Not like the turkey leg I know and love. The Mickey bar is more pleasant.
Would love to see that Dole Whip one though!
I would love a dole whip smell! Might have to try the waffle, sounds like it would be a nice smell in the car. Why am I going to work? (sniff) oh yeah, money for the Disney account! Think it would be a good motivator?
I am going to Disney in December for my birthday and I will be on the lookout for these! Where exactly in the park can I find them? Thank you!! 🙂
Ciara — You can find them at just about any major merchandise location in each park and at several of the resorts.