We have to say it is a B-E-A-U-TIFUL day to be eating our way around the Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival! Although we’ve already seen some delicious booths like I Heart Artichokes and Cluck-A-Doodle-Moo, we’re not done yet!
Next up on the docket, we’re heading over to the Garlic Kissed booth to try some interesting creations made with one of our fave flavors. Oh garlic, how we love you! With some new and returning hits, this booth is sure to be a tasty locale.
Nothing like a full menu of yummy-looking food to get us in the mood to try things out!
The returning fave at this booth is the Black Garlic Soy-braised Pork Belly Banh Mi for $8. This was a super-filling option at the booth last year! It’s a mini french roll filled with pork belly and seasoned mayonnaise, then topped with sliced jalapeños, pickled carrots, and daikon.
If you were a fan of this dish last year, expect to find the same banh mi with good pork belly and really no surprises.
Interestingly enough, this is the only returning item. Wait! No more Creamy Mac & Cheese??? Waaaah…..!? Well don’t despair, there’s a new mac in town and its name is Carbonara Garlic Mac & Cheese with Nueske’s Bacon for $8.
Our fears were certainly put to rest because this was a STAR dish for us at the festival this year! When you mix LEGIT pieces of bacon with super flavorful crumbs on top, you have a full plate of WOW.
As for drinks, both of the sippin’ options are new this year! We tried out the Aperol Cocktail for $14.75 which was a mix of Aperol, Vodka, Ginger Liqueur, Simply Grapefruit, Simply Orange, and Ginger Beer!
This drink really packs a punch! Aperol has a very specific and perhaps polarizing flavor that we found could be a love-it-or-hate-it situation for you. Regardless, it is a STRONG drink.
Or if you’re more of a wino, there’s a light and refreshing Sauvignon Blanc from Winter Hills in Marlborough. Grab a glass for $14.
Our fave item from this booth? It has to be that Mac & Cheese!! Cheesy pasta AND bacon? How can we pass that up?
Click here to see the 2020 Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival menus!
2020 Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival Index
2020 Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival Booth and Menu Index
2020 Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival Low-Cost Seminar and Demonstrations
2020 Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival Wine, Beer, and Spirits Education and Tasting Seminars
2020 Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival Special Events
Epcot Festival Fans Facebook Page
2019 Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival Menus and FOOD PHOTOS
Booking Disney California Adventure Food and Wine Festival Events
Booking for all special events, seminars, and demonstrations is available at the official DCA Food and Wine Festival reservation page.
What will you be snacking on at Garlic Kissed this year? Let us know in the comments!
Are you able to get the Mac and cheese without bacon?
Chelsea, you can ask! It looked like the bacon was only on top, so it should be possible.