We’ve been taking you around Disney Springs with us today to show you what the new procedures look like now that some of the stores and restaurants in Walt Disney World’s shopping and dining district have started to reopen.
While we’ve seen many new safety measures being implemented throughout Disney Springs today, one of the biggest changes has been seeing everyone — from guests to Cast Members — wearing face coverings.
We want to provide you with some additional information regarding face masks in Disney Springs as well as what our first-hand experience wearing them has been like!
When Do You Have To Wear a Face Mask at Disney Springs
Currently, Disney Springs requires all Cast Members and guests to wear face coverings.
Children under the age of two aren’t required to wear one, but everyone else is. When we asked, we were told there are no exceptions to this requirement. [Editor’s UPDATE: As of May 28th Disney has updated their mask policy, this post now reflects the current requirement that face coverings will be required for all Guests ages 2 and up.]
You will not be permitted to enter Disney Springs without wearing a face mask and you must wear it for the duration of your stay (with exceptions for dining, which we’ll discuss below).
It’s important to know that though there were a VERY limited number of disposable masks available at the temperature screening areas, these are given as a last resort, and there are NO guarantees that any will be available.
We learned that Cast Members have been provided with three washable, reusable masks. And they are also allowed to bring their own, provided they meet established criteria.
Is Disney Selling Face Masks?
We are in the midst of our day at Disney Springs, and — at press time — retail locations are only starting to open. However, at this point, we have not spotted any masks for sale. (We will be checking more locations and notifying you here if this changes throughout the day.)
That said, the only locations open during this initial phase are operated by third-party vendors. Select Disney-owned and operated locations will be opening one week from today on May 27th, including the World of Disney store. While we do not know if they will be selling face coverings, we will certainly be checking and reporting upon their reopening.
When Can You Take Your Face Mask Off?
You can take your face mask off when you are seated at a restaurant or when you need to eat or drink.
Now, this is fairly clear-cut when you are at a counter service or table service restaurant where you will occupy a table. But what if you are, say, grabbing a beverage at Starbucks or Joffrey’s and plan to walk around with it?
In speaking with several Cast Members, we were informed that — if you have food or drink in hand — you may keep your mask lowered while you eat or drink.
Some Tips for Wearing Face Masks at Disney Springs
Disney Springs isn’t the only venue where face masks are required. We have had previous experience wearing them upon the reopening of Universal Orlando’s CityWalk, and found that the actual wearing of the mask does take a bit of getting used to.
We recommend maybe taking a few walks outside with a mask prior to visiting. We’ve also found it helpful to have some form of lip balm handy if you find your lips get a bit dry. And while this may be a matter of preference and your experience may vary, we’ve found that — having tried both — the masks that tie behind the head stayed in place a bit better than the kind that go around the ears.
Remember, required face coverings are only one of the many new safety measures being implemented at Disney Springs — you can read more about all the measures here. We will continue to keep you posted on our Disney Springs visit today, and hope you stay tuned with us!
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Do you have any questions about face masks at Disney Springs that we didn’t answer? Let us know in the comments below!
What if you have a medical condition that prevents you from wearing a mask? Legally you cannot be asked about it, but what is their protocol?
So can you confirm that they are actively discriminating against those of us with real medical conditions that prevent us from wearing masks?
Is there any specific requirements on the face masks or is it as long as nose and mouth are covered?
Do you think mandatory masks will be permanent, or just for now and in the near future? My family has already decided we won’t go if we have to wear them. I know we’re not alone. That’s a lot of money for Disney and lots of tax $!!
This is not “everything” we need to know about face masks & it isn’t “clear cut”. Many of us need to know if our special needs or disabled family members MUST wear a mask. This is very frustrating since 1/4 of my family members cannot wear one due to a serious mental disability. Will we be excluded from Disney Springs & the parks indefinitely? Someone needs to address this issue ASAP.
With regard to masks, generally the ADA prohibits places of public accommodation having restrictions that would limit access to an individual with a disability. However, the ADA does allow restrictions when an individual would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others.
As of March 2020, the EEOC has declared that the COVID-19 pandemic meets the direct threat standard, based on guidance from the CDC and public health authorities regarding the risk of community spread and institution of restrictions. IMPORTANT – This standard may change and so businesses must stay up-to-date.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic is currently considered a direct threat by the EEOC, a business would likely be on solid ground to require customers to wear face masks or covering when entering into their premises.
If you have a medical condition that you can not wear a mask, I am sure your doctor would not have any problem writing a note on their script saying so. I have severe asthma and I can wear a mask perfectly fine in Florida, so I did not ask my doctor for a note. I’m sure though if your doctor feels that you can not wear a mask, they will give you a note.
How long will the mask thing be going on ? I don’t think I’ll be going until it’s over. I’m very claustrophobic and feel as though I’m suffocating when I wear it.
This is crazy. Cast member teams patrolling and harassing people not social distancing or wearing masks properly? On what planet can thousands of people congregate not be at risk for spreading germs as long as they *try* to distance each other and wear a mask *most* of the time? If people aren’t dropping dead its because the virus isn’t as dangerous as one thought. These brutally offensive countermeasures are completely useless. We’re not going to go to stores and malls and suddenly not be vulnerable because we’re doing this garbage. C’mon people. We’re not fooling nature. It’s just not what they claimed it was. Lets just go back to normal and put this behind us.
If you have a medical condition that requires you not wear a mask then unfortunately you shouldn’t be visiting Disney at this time. Given the current global pandemic, if you’re suceptable to getting any kind of virus including Covid 19, then you can’t be without a mask or covering of some kind. This is only a temporary requirement until things get better and for your personal protection and everyone else’s, you should not visit a park if you can not protect yourself properly like the rest of the guests have to. I, myself have serious allergies and medical issues wearing a mask but I understand that if I do not have one then I will not be entering any premises for now. It is for my safety and for others who may be immunocompromised. It’s important to remember that Disney isn’t trying to make everyone uncomfortable, but they have a responsibility to protect guests and cast members as well. I hope everyone stays safe out there and this will be over soon!
Roz, no word on that at all yet.
Danielle, when we inquired about the mask requirement, we were told there are “no exceptions” to the mask rule.
Prisila, my medical reason for not wearing a mask is no ones business. I am a big boy and can decide for myself if there is a risk for me to go somewhere. There is not. And Mark, if anyone wants to go shopping badly enough, Disney would lose on the ADA front for discrimination. The state nor county require masks. Other shopping areas do not require masks, nor temperature taking. Other parks will be opening without mask requirements. Disney cannot randomly say that they are allowed to discriminate for a “risk” that only apparently exists on their property. If I do not present an unreasonable risk at Walmart with no mask, I do not present an unreasonable risk at Disney.
Is a face shield an acceptable form of face mask?
I have several people in my family that have a serious hearing problem that requires them to wear hearing aids. They also rely on lip-reading to further understand what is being said. The wearing of masks makes it difficult for these people to understand what people are saying. When people are wearing masks they tend to speak softly and quickly. My family members still are willing to wear masks as long as they have someone with them that can hear or if the cast members are willing to repeat what they say or talk louder and slower. Neither one of them signs so they have to rely on lip-reading and their hearing aids.
The only other thing that for me is a problem has to do with children. If everyone is wearing masks then how do children know who is a stranger or not if they need help? They have been taught that someone wearing a mask is a stranger.
Scott and Chris Please dont go then. This is a real situation. Disney wants to be safe. If an outbreak is linked to Disney it would ruin them for years. Wearing a mask is not that hard to do. What you fail to realize is you wearing a mask doesnt protect you it protects people from you.
Just wear a mask or Dont go. Its that simple. Personally until their is a vaccine my family will be not attending.
If covid 19 is so contagious and fatal, that mask wearing in an outdoor shopping mask is a requirement, and the public must submit to having their temperature taken, before entry is allowed, I simply would rather not out in public at all! We should all still be staying safely in our homes. Certainly, not doing something as dangerous as shopping and eating surrounded by people. Yet, Disney has decided to risk the health and safety of its customers and cast members. Wake up Mickey fans (and I’m one of his biggest) Disney really just misses your hard earned cash. Until masks and temperature checks no longer being done, I’ll take my money elsewhere.
“Just stay away if you can’t wear a mask”. So much empathy there. Does that apply to all disabilities? Why bother with ramps and automatic doors for mobility impaired, they can “just stay away”. “People in wheelchairs and scooters are always running into people, they need to just stay home if they can’t walk like the rest of us.” Why bother with ADA at all? Nobody NEEDS to ride a It’s a Small World. Why bother with the wheelchair boats. I mean, they didn’t bother with any for Navi River. Or are SOME disabilities okay?
My maskless face does NOT put you at any greater risk if you are social distancing. The CDC only recommends them if you CAN’T social distance, meaning that you are in close proximity to someone (the same someone) for more than 15 minutes. The likelihood that I am walking around as an asymptomatic carrier is at or below 1%. The risk that I would be part of that 1% AND that I would be closer than 6 feet for 15 minutes breathing on you is negligible at best. If that negligible risk is still too great for you (for example, because you are in a higher risk group), perhaps YOU are the one that needs to “just stay home”. Why should I have to “just stay home”? Even for the workers, plexi glass shields are a much greater protective barrier to “keep them safe” than masks.
All Disney (and Universal, although they might be allowing exceptions – “official” response was that you talk to guest services for a reasonable accommodation) is doing by mandating masks is fanning the flames of animosity among guests. “Strongly recommending” would have been the more correct stance, because even if they allowed medical exceptions, disabled guests would still be harassed inside.
Chris you’re so wrong. Yes your maskless face does but others at risk. Unlike other countries that have made it manditory because it is needed ours goes agter businesses that require it. They also say no shirt no shoes no service. And guess what they have every right to add masks. If you believe our gover3is telling you the truth and setting up the proper guidelines I have some land to sell you. Like I said you do not have the right to possibly take someone else’s life.
The policy that people under 3 and people holding a drink can keep the mask off is one of the most laughable policies I’ve heard throughout this pandemic. Thank goodness the virus knows to leave alone children and people who are eating 😜 I think the masks are unnecessary to begin with, but if you’re going to make a policy, at least have it make sense!
I don’t understand why Disney doesn’t take a page out of Universal’s book. This is directly from Universal Studios page: 3. Will I be required to wear a face covering?
Yes. We are following CDC guidelines as well as local health protocols. If you have a disability that prevents you from wearing a face covering you will be referred to guest services to discuss ways we can accommodate you. If you do not have a face covering, we’ll have them available for purchase. Also, per CDC guidelines, children under the age of two are not required to wear facial coverings.
4. What is considered an appropriate facial covering for my visit?
Facial coverings in line with CDC’s guidelines are considered appropriate for a visit to Universal Orlando Resort, and should cover an individual’s nose and mouth. Costume masks and veils will not be considered as facial coverings and per our costume guidelines, are not permitted.
If a guest has a disability that prevents them from wearing a facial covering, they’ll be directed to our Guest Services team to discuss reasonable accommodations. Also, per CDC guidelines, children under the age of two are not required to wear facial coverings.
I completely agree with Chris and Scott and the people whose comments I’ve read on other forums who say they’ll never return to Disney under these circumstances. We need fresh air and sunshine. Breathing through a damp and sweaty mask in the Florida heat is unpleasant and a recipe for breeding germs. Life presents risks. Stay home if you’re at vulnerable but for most people this virus is not the death sentence the media portrays it to be. Let’s get back to normal and put this nightmare behind us. I won’t spend thousands of dollars on a WDW vacation to be scrutinized at every turn by CMs if my mask is askew or the FL heat elevates my body temp. Not very magical.
Can face shields be worn instead?
Kfig, I will check with our onsite team members.
Kfig, so far we have only seen employees at third party vendors/stores/restaurants with shields rather than masks. So we can’t say for sure either way yet.
If we’re allowed to take our masks off while eating and drinking, I’ll just walk around with a drink in my hand. LOL
Rubber Ducky, our experience has been seated diners can remove masks. If guests have Quick Service or grab ‘n’ go, they’ve been having to lift or lower their masks in order to take a bite or a sip.
There is a third type of mask fastening. Sun Precautions sells a mask that has cloth stripes that goes over the top of your ears from the top sides of the mask, then though a loop at the bottom sides of the mask, to the back of your neck where the the two are joined in a cord stop that is fully adjustable. Their fabric is 100 SPF. My oncologist recommended their face guards over 10 years after my skin cancer surgery; it is comfortable and breathable.
Thanks for the tip, Jem!
What about Face shields? I feel like my kids would have a better time wearing those. Have they said anything with specifics on what is required in a “mask”?
Marianna, so far we have not seen guests with face shields; some employees in third-party-operated stores in Disney Springs did wear shields. We will update when/if we get more info on this.
Few things to know. The media has not reported this but according to one dad, his daughter was denied entrance as she has Autism and Sensory problems (and had a doctors note). The ADA DOES NOT give people with disabilities the right to not wear masks, it is at the discretion of the business. Also Exempt Cards are fakes and also not accepted. You need to call Disney and ask for a manager if they would accept a doctors note to exempt someone who can not wear a mask (make sure you get that person’s name and position, write it down). If they say no, you may need to reschedule for another time to visit. This goes for any Amusement Park.
Many masks sold are contaminated or laced with toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde under the guise of antibacterial. These are carcinogenic . Most are sourced from China but Mexico is a big supplier as well. Please do your research on the masks your family uses. Some also cause bacterial lung infections and pneumonia. Future deaths won’t be from COVID-19 but the so called preventive measures we were forced to take. Also check and research your hand sanitizer ingredients. Huge toxins in most of those that are absorbed into our bodies.