Lots of health-based changes have made their way to Disney World since it reopened.
As of April 2022, masks are optional for all guests in nearly all places in Disney World. You may, however, still be required to wear a mask in select areas of first aid centers, and Disney notes that “It is recommended Guests who are not fully vaccinated continue wearing face coverings in all indoor locations, including indoor attractions and theaters and on enclosed transportation.” If you plan on having your little one wear a mask, you might be wondering how on earth do you get your 2-year-old to wear a mask, even if it’s just for a bus or monorail ride??? We’ve got some tips to help!
*Note that Disney’s rules generally do not require guests to wear a mask in most places. This post is generally aimed at those who wish to follow Disney’s recommendations regarding wearing a mask if not fully vaccinated, or otherwise want their little ones to wear a mask in the parks.
1. Choose the right mask.
If you think picking the right mask for you is tough, comfort is going to be about 9000 times more important when choosing a mask for your child! Disney previously put specific requirements for the types of face-coverings that were allowed, stating that face coverings must be secured with ties or earloops in order to be acceptable.
This language has been removed from the Disney World website given the recent changes in mask rules. Be sure to check for any updates ahead of your trip.
You don’t want to give your 2-year-old the same kind of mask that you’re wearing. First of all, you want their mask to fit their little faces. Forbes has a great list of masks for infants and kids. The better the mask fits, the fewer times your kid might try to rip it off in a fit of discomfort.
Kids respond to colors, patterns, and designs. Let them choose a few patterns they like — they’ll be more likely to wear it if THEY chose it themselves (but more on that in a bit!).
If you opt for a traditional mask, REALLY put thought into how it secures. Members of our team with young kids had pretty bad results with masks with ties (they slip down your kid’s head, they’re too tight, too loose…basically they’re drove our kids [and us!] crazy!).
2. Plan for and promise a LOT of breaks.
Once you’re in the parks, get ready to take a LOT of breaks if you’ll be having your kiddo wear masks in various spots.
Let your kid know that they’ll only have to wear their masks for short periods of time, and that they can take “breaks” once they’re in a place where you’re okay with them removing their mask!
Click here to learn more about Disney World’s updated mask policy!
3. Give them treats as a break and a reward.
If there’s one thing that might work with getting a fussy kid to wear a mask, it’s bribery. Not speaking from experience or anything! 😉 So, if your little one is hanging in there with their mask, get ready to grab that Mickey Bar. Even if you would typically buy your littles a treat in the park, frame it as a reward so they feel better about keeping their masks on in places where you want them to.
Consider alternative treats as well! Little ones might love a fun Mickey straw, or let them have a piece of candy to keep them occupied and not so worried about having to wear a mask.
4. Practice wearing a mask at home.
This next one is a BIG ONE. Before your trip, you make want to have you AND your kiddo practice wearing a mask at home. Things might not go too well if your 2-year-old has never worn a mask in their life and suddenly has to wear one on certain Disney spots but not all!
In fact, some kids might not be used to having anything on their face in general. Consider starting with sunglasses or something else on the face that’s a little less restrictive. Now that masks are optional for guests nearly everywhere, let your kiddo know what to expect and what places you’ll want them to keep their mask on.
You may also want to wear a mask WITH your masked kiddo so they see it’s a whole-family activity and have them try wearing one at home to get used to wearing one when required in Disney World.
5. Let them pick out their masks — and your mask!
We touched on this one initially, but seriously this can be the key for many parents — let your kids pick out not just their masks but yours as well! They might be more inclined to wear a mask if it has their favorite characters or a silly print on it.
Masks can be frightening for some small children so having them involved in the process of picking them out and making an event out of it makes it feel special. Plus, if you’re wearing a mask THEY select, they might respond better to seeing mom or dad decked out in a mask.
6. Give them an incentive if they wear the mask every time it’s required.
Remember that bribery thing we talked about? Yeah, it’s gonna be your best weapon in your “keep my toddler masked” arsenal! Consider coming up with an incentive if your kid will wear their mask in spots you want them to, and stick to it.
Opt for something you wouldn’t normally get them like a super cool toy from a Disney gift store. Sorry mom and dad, you might be spoiling junior this trip to entice them to follow the rules! If they feel like it’s special or they HAVE to have it, you might see their sense of restraint kick in. No complaints about wearing a mask? You can get anything you want from the gift shop (within reason 😉)!
Keep in mind that for many kids, their greatest weakness comes in the form of a chance to play in your resort pool (we totally get it — Disney’s pools are mega fun). Masks are not allowed while on water slides or in the water (a.k.a. when swimming) so this is a way to give your kids a (free!) reward they’re probably already begging for.
If your kid is practically a mermaid, like many of ours, plan on heading back to your resort mid-day for a dip in the pool and remind your kid if they wear their mask when they’re supposed to in other places, they have swimming to look forward to!
Does wearing a mask all day sound like no fun? Click here!
7. Keep your kiddo cool!
We’ve got another big one for you here. Keep your kid cool! This is an important tip for any time in Disney World (Florida is HOT!) and even if masks are not required outside in Disney World, keeping your kid cool could make them feel more comfortable wearing a mask when hopping onto Disney transportation or in other places where you’d like them to keep their mask on, which can sometimes be just as hot as outside.
There are a few ways to help mitigate the effects of this. Grab a clip-on fan for your stroller or a handheld fan that you can use to give your kid some extra air when they need it. Remember, you can get free ice water from quick-service locations, so stop for a cool drink whenever you can.
Click here to see other things you didn’t know you could do in Disney World!
8. Show them that wearing a mask is normal, and even fun!
Ok, so wearing a mask isn’t exactly “normal” (though it has become much more common nowadays) and it would be a stretch for most of us to call it fun. But you know the same way you might put a big smile on and eat those Brussels sprouts in front of your kiddo so they realize it’s not a bad thing, and they can do it, too? Same thing here. We’ve touched on this already with letting them pick their mask design and having them practice at home, but we figured it deserved its own point too.
If you think it will work, try enlisting an older sibling (one they look up to or think is cool!) to help with encouraging the younger one to wear a mask. Or, go about it in a cute and fun way! Consider getting them a new Mickey plush to bring on the trip and buy or sew a little mask for their new Mickey! This can help normalize the idea of masks and make them less scary.
Overall, you need to take your kid’s individual needs into account when considering a return to Disney. Know their limits and gauge what will work best for them.
Click here to see a full list of airlines that have changed their face mask requirements
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Have any plans for getting your little one to wear a mask? Share some tips in the comments!
A two year old wearing a mask is ridiculous. Kids are not dying from it at all. Kids do not show transmission at all. I’m a pediatrician and wearing a mask is not advised from any other dr that I know.
3. Do not pretend to be above bribery 😂
JT & the Sea, bribery could probably be 1-8.
The fact that this article is trying to say and wanting you to convince your 2 year old that wearing a mask is “normal” is completely disgusting! There’s nothing normal about it. Do you know why most operating rooms are set at almost sub zero temperatures. Because wearing a mask sucks even for the doctors and nurses. And for Disney and all other theme parks to think it’s ok to force their customers to wear one is dumb. Just wait to open until everything can be normal. I’m so glad I took my 2 year old in March before the shutdown because he LOVED it. His favorite part was the character meet and greets. He’s begged to go back since. I hope I get to take him again someday but I won’t be spending thousands of dollars and not get to feel the magic that Disney offers. No parades, no character greets, forced masks in 100 degree weather. No thanks! I’ll wait. Hopefully Disney gets in their right minds again someday and opens the parks up to normal standards again!
Highly unrealistic. A two, or even three year old will not keep a mask on no matter how many snacks you bribe them with!
I can understand the requirement, but it breaks my heart to think of taking my two year old back to Disney and not be able to see his precious smile while experiencing the magic.
Or just be a parent and tell them this is a rule. Period end of story. There are a lot of rules our 2 year old will have to follow in life. This is one of them.
My children are 7,5,1 and the older two have accepted we won’t go if they have to wear a mask because they don’t want to nor do my husband or I want to. We were all so excited to go go this August!
James, your comment is interesting because every pediatrician office in Florida that I know of is TWO years old and up must wear a mask if they want to enter. And they do just fine.
Sorry but we have a 4.5 year old and a 1.5 year old. I know my 1.5 year old won’t keep a mask on. They don’t understand the reasoning behind it and it’s not healthy for them to be breathing in CO2 all day without fresh oxygen. That’s why the cdc suggest 3 & up.
Sarah, I think a lot can happen between now and August. Hopefully it’ll work out for you.
Ditto Courtney !!👍🏻
I won’t lie to my child nor will I try to convince her wearing a mask is normal. This whole mask thing is crazy! The mask does nothing good. It will however cause heat related problems and be a source of major annoyance. Already cancelled one Disney trip. Will not return to Disney until the ridiculous mask rule is lifted.
Wearing a mask in Disney is something that I will never do, and my wife and I are DVC members that went at least twice a year. Having said that, I believe that Disney is spot on requiring them, they actually do work when everyone is wearing them. I just don’t understand all the angry posts, a Disney trip is not a requirement, it’s supposed to be a pleasant experience. There can’t be anything pleasant about wearing a mask all day in Disney World, simple solution is to not go until you don’t need a mask.
I have 6 yr old twin grandchildren. One boy understands & will wear his mask with no problem. His brother has Autism. We have been practicing wearing a mask for weeks. He is up to 8 seconds until he’s over it.Many special needs kids that love Disney will not be able to attend any parks or Disney Springs, and will not understand why.
I have read every ‘tip and trick’ I can to get my 2 year old to wear a mask, and IT DOESN’T WORK! I believe wearing masks is important, that’s why I do. But my son will be 2 in 2 weeks, and he has no interest in choosing designs, he’s too young. He doesn’t understand bribery, he’s too young. He doesn’t understand promised breaks, he’s too young. He sees me wearing a mask and doesn’t feel inspired to wear his own, he’s too young. He doesn’t have a solid grasp of rules, he’s too young. He rips it off of his face as soon as I put it on, because, he’s too young. Seeing a trend? Maybe his respiratory system is capable of wearing a mask, but developmentally he’s not there. I would literally have to hold him down and hold the mask on his face to keep it on him. It’s a shame the things we will have to miss out on because the people making the rules are just not being reasonable.
Ashley, my son just turned two in July, and I agree with you: a young two-year-old is not going to be easy to keep masked up (if they put them on at all).
My 2 year old wears a mask no problem. We started in March (when we got home from our last Disney trip) to practice for our next Disney trip. She didn’t understand the reasoning, but she did understand the word “no” every time she touched her mask. Now she doesn’t take her mask off until we tell her it’s okay. We haven’t been back to Walt Disney World in several months due to an abundance of caution and avoiding crowds, but her ability to wear a mask has helped us function close to normally here in our state where there’s also a mask mandate (like in Orange county).
Yet another helpful article from DFB! Around age 2 or 3 many kids are a real behavior challenge, even without the mask issue. Your 8 ideas are appreciated, and worth trying, especially for kids who may be ahead of the curve in development…as most parents think theirs are. 🙂 NOTE: This piece was written before Disney banned “neck gators” so please consider an update.
I just got back from a week at Disney World with a two year old. He wore his mask all week and we had fun knowing Disney has made changes to keep us safe.
G Bird, I’m glad you had a fun trip!
Per the Disney website neck gaiters are not allowed. We went into the Disney store yesterday and my husband had to take his neck gaiter off and use one of their disposable masks because the cast member said they were not an approved face mask style.
My son is 6. He is special needs with severe sensory issues with things touching his face. He doesn’t undestand rules, bribery, breaks or the need to wear one. If I even touch his face with my hands or kiss his forehead, he can’t tolerate that. Its very dad but it what I have learned to live with. Whats even more sad is he loves Disney. He loves the characters (doesn’t want to get close) and he loves the rides. It breaks my heart that going for him isn’t an option right now. He loves it and doesn’t understand why he can’t go. Feels like he is being punished. Something really needs to give. This rule is non-compliant regarding ads standards and she fully be re reviewed.
When cast members get the vaccine, will the age limit be raised?
Ok, none of this information pertains to a 2 year old!! They are too young to understand breaks, bribery, and promises. My almost 2 year old is behind in speech and has trouble communicating as it is. I have been trying to get her to wear a mask and she will not! She just cries and pulls it off. I can’t even get it on her. If you don’t have a 2 year old or remember what a 2 year old is like , please do not comment. I do not know of any 2 year old that will keep a mask on. This is absolutely heartbreaking because I know we can not travel or visit somewhere because some idiot at the CDC said 2 year olds need to wear masks.
Yeah….a young 2 year old won’t understand any of this. They live in the moment. Forcing a baby or very young toddler to keep something over their face when they just don’t understand sounds torturous for both the two year old and a parent.
I am a Pediatrician and masks are NOT advisable for any child under the age of 7. Period.
Especially since there is actually a risk of sids. But guess what? A 2 year old has less than 000.1% chance of contracting the virus.
I am A pediatrician in a major hospital and you would be surprised just how many Doctors and particularly Pediatricians agree that masks for child are not needed!
I’m going to Orlando next week I had to cancel the Disney thing as my 2 year old isn’t old enough and behind on speech , he wont let me put anything on his face bummed but him seeing his uncle will be good enough. I know there are alot of 2yearolds that there parents get them to wear them, I work at Walmart it seems that its the girls that are more open to it . It could be that my son is just to young being a premie with breathing issues im not sure . I’d take any suggestions on things to try specially if your a parent in the same situation
Hi, Tim. I will say from my personal experience, when my son was a young two, he wouldn’t have worn a mask, but now that he’s approaching three, he will wear one when he knows everyone else is wearing one. I think so much of this issue is dependent on each child’s individual development and/or personality. Enjoy your trip to Florida.
So… nobody thinks this line is disturbing? Even a little?! “Consider starting with sunglasses or something else on the face that doesn’t impede breathing.” So, you want me to bribe my child ALL day in the Florida heat to impede his breathing – all day. This is unbelievable. I can’t even believe the honesty in this sentence about impeding breathing with the entirety of the article asking us as parents to do this to our children.