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  1. Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this, Kelly! As a lifelong park fan, I knew some of these and definitely not all, and it is so fun to read through them all in one place. I perceive and appreciate the effort you put into completing this article and want to thank you again for your hard work supporting Disney fandom 🙂

  2. We have been using this as part of our 100 day countdown to our Disney World Trip. It has been so much fun sharing one of each of these fact each day. Our grandchildren are getting so excited. Thank you!

  3. I grew up around the local auto racing scene, here in Southeastern Michigan. As far back as I can remember, as a kid, I’m 66 now, when someone had a rather “impressive” tumbling wreck, we would say that he took an E-Ticket ride. It wasn’t until well into adulthood I even understood what that referred to.

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