As COVID-19 continues to be a global issue, infection rates have risen and fallen due to vaccines, variants, and other factors.
Central Florida has recently gone into a “crisis mode“, and Orange County, Florida (where Disney World is located) is under a state of emergency. Today, we have some news about Florida’s infection rates.
According to Fox 35 Orlando, Florida has reported its highest one-day total of COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. The new record high that Florida reached is a one-day total of 21,683 new cases. This record-high level of infections has led to Disney re-implementing mask requirements.
The state has become a hot spot for the virus, accounting for a fifth of the overall cases in the country. These record-breaking numbers were recorded on Friday and released today. Only one day before, Florida reported 17,093 new cases, and the figures show how rapidly case numbers are rising.
On the same day as these record-breaking numbers, Governor Ron DeSantis banned mask requirements for schools which start up again next month.
The CDC recently updated its guidelines to recommend that all people, regardless of their vaccination status, wear a face mask indoors. In response, Disney World and Disneyland now require face masks indoors and on attractions again. This means that things like eating in Disney World are also different again.

Hollywood Studios Face Masks Sign
Due to the rise in COVID-19 cases around the country and the spread of the Delta variant, the United States will not lift its travel restrictions.

Air Travel
We’ll keep you posted with the latest developments, stay tuned here for more.
Interesting, now they report CASES, not deaths. Smoke and mirrors. CDC is also phasing out the tests saying they are not accurate.
For heaven’s sake date your articles
Case rate is irrelevant. Death rate is key. Right now, Florida C19 Death Rate is 1.4%, a lot lower than previous Seasonal Flu Death Rate. Remember the Seasonal Flu?
Wish the governor would back down on the hardline stance (and I’m a libertarian). Wish Disney would reinstitute their restrictive policy on limiting crowd sizes, wearing masks everywhere, AND require proof of vaccination for everyone 12+ before entry into the parks, restaurants, etc. The numbers don’t lie, and I won’t be able to convince anyone to go now with record-breaking numbers and still rising. Now, the process of ripping the bandaid and the process of canceling the entire trip.
Florida virus spreàding to many people are getting a sense of normal . This is not the time the mask rule has to be used I was hoping it would get better . That is a lot of people getting infected are they not vaccinated .
Remember when we knew Covid would be here but we just wanted to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed? Keep reporting on “cases” not deaths and we’ve long forgot about the hospitals-now we’ll never get out of this mess. There will never be Covid zero. Move on or mask up, so silly distance and get those booster vax’s forever.
I don’t think people really care anymore. Positive cases doesn’t mean anything anymore. For crowd immunity you either have to mandate a vaccine (which come on, not gonna happen) or people have to get the virus. Masks, plexiglass walls, social distancing…it’s all just delays in what Mother Nature will insist upon. It will never go away unless this happens. So, people are moving on. They are willing to get the vaccine or they must be willing to get covid and hope it’s not the minuscule chance of death.
Please Florida don’t succumb to the madness of the endless testing cycle. More cases equals more testing equals more cases. Never tested for colds or flu in the past and for this one there are vaccines if you want them. Testing companies getting rich off peoples anxiety.
Some people have forgotten the death rate starts to show up 2-3 weeks after the cases.
We r at Disney World now and the crowds are crazy big, thanks Bob Chapek, should have kept capacity at 35% maybe up to 50%, but shareholders are losing money so who cares, lets boost capacity and not tell anyone, yeah we are vaccinated and wearing the mask again, but having a good time
I know if you just read the number of cases it sounds bad. However, the death rate of covid is only slightly higher than it was a month ago, about 300 deaths a day. I’m not saying these people don’t matter, just saying it’s not as bad as much of the news media makes it to be. Vax and masks should be up to the individual. People who have had covid likely have better immunity from variants and people with vax are getting covid at the same rate as non vaccinated. Please stop scaring people.
Yes, everyone please cancel your trips immediately, especially if they were planned for late September into early October. Do it right now! Thank you.
@FL-DAD, more like 0.14%, maybe.
Now there is a vaccine we need to stop testing. Cases can be people with no symptoms all that should matter is hospitalisations and deaths.
The logic I’m seeing here is astounding. Florida is in a COVID crisis and the comments show that some people are in complete denial.
Cases, hospitalizations and deaths are all rising.
1: 800% increase in cases. Increased cases leads to increased deaths. It’s a certainty.
2: Florida hospitalizations are higher than any time except the July 2020 peak. It’s not just cases, it’s also hospitalization.
Hospitalization increase in 5-weeks:
June 20, 2021: 1,804
July 31, 2021: 10,221
3: In the last 7-days, Florida has 2.49 times higher deaths per 100K population compared to the US.
Deaths per 100,000 population in last 7-days
Florida: 1.904
US: 0.76
4: “Stop testing.” I guess that’s because you don’t want to know. See above, cases, hospitalizations and deaths are all increasing.
5: “Just let nature take it’s course.” That translates to “just let people die.” Delta variant is hitting all age groups. It’s no longer just the elderly. Now it’s kids and young adults.
Hey Greg, your numbers are fine and agreeable. I think what most people are saying is that they are trying to protect unvaccinated people who by in large do not want protection. They can get vaccinated but choose not to be. If people truly do not want to vaccinate then they accept the risk that they may get a serious case of covid, hospitalization and perhaps even death. If you are vaccinated you are around 95% protected, and of that 5% that may become infected with “full covid” you have a 0.08% chance within that group to be hospitalized or die.
Death is terrible. No doubt. It is interesting by the way (looks like you research) that the Delta Variant fell of steeply in a short time after taking off in countries like Britain and India. I would expect the same here.
Disney is a horrible measuring stick to discuss shutting down society as it is clearly a luxury, but if we start to shut down for every variant we will not make it. Really we either need to mandate vaccines, or let people live (or not live) with their choice and continue on. Masking or passports or whatever only delays what will happen.
Think of this out of Los Angelas today: “Hard-working Angelenos, their customers and the general public deserve to be safe in public spaces,” said Councilman O’Farrell. “The vaccines are our most effective form of protection. The time to act is now.”
He is talking about a law that prohibits a non-vaccinated person from eating at a restaurant, buying a pair of shoes at a retail mall, being told they can’t go to a concert or a movie. To protect the non-vaccinated from themselves.
Slippery slopes we live on these days.
@Brad, that’s the point. It’s not the government’s place (no authority) to ‘protect people from themselves.’ Living in a free (more or less) country carries with it weight of personal responsibility to yourself and your family. These inoculations are not going to make you safe. They might reduce effects of an infection from one or more variants of this virus, which isn’t ever going away, or they might not. It will continue to mutate and humans will get used to it and sadly, some won’t. But natural immunity will eventually suppress the effects.
@ MrNico yes we agree. Not sure you see that. I am actually saying either force a vaccine (which I do not believe could happen) or get out of the way. All of these measures are meaningless.
@Brad yes, Sir we do agree! I trust science, not political pandering.
@greg what is Florida’s death rate during “normal” times or during a bad flu season? My guess is that it’s generally higher than the rest of the US considering the large concentration or elderly who reside in the state. When analyzing statistics it’s necessary to look at all factors that contribute to those numbers, not just the ones that you cherry pick to try and prove your argument .
@Sam L.
For historical context:
675,000 Americans killed by 1918-1919 flu (Spanish flu)
619,000 Americans killed by Covid, and counting
If you’d like to make the argument that current deaths in Florida is normal, you can make that argument by showing the numbers.
BTW: It’s August, peak flu season is generally December to February.
Vaccines have been proven to work and the unvaccinated are the ones dying and killing others.
* Unvaccinated are currently over 99% of deaths.
* Only 26 of 11,600 Alabama Covid deaths were vaccinated.
* Alabama hospitalizations are higher now than since late January.
* 75% of Oklahoma Covid hospitalizations are unvaccinated. That means 25% of Oklahoma Covid hospitalized ARE vaccinated – invalidating your claim that vaccinated have a 0.08% chance of becoming hospitalized.
Our choice is simple, people can either choose to end this by voluntarily becoming vaccinated, or choose to prolong it a send more people to the hospital and to their death.