Although it feels like Disney World is constantly changing (*cough Genie*, *cough Magical Express*, *cough Happily Ever After*), there are some things that will always be a part of the parks and resorts. Disney World relies on the magic of its parks to continue to bring in new (and old) guests. That’s why we love opening day attractions like Dumbo the Flying Elephant and “it’s a small world.” And, of course, Disney’s Cast Members help create magic on a daily basis.

Disney World is always evolving, but some things never change!
It takes a village to run the most magical place on earth, and recently Disney CEO Bob Chapek sent a memo to Disney Cast Members outlining his goals and plans for 2022 and beyond.
According to an article published by Variety, Bob Chapek penned a memo addressed to Disney Cast Members ahead of the company’s 100th anniversary. In the memo, Chapek describes his plans for the Walt Disney Company in 2022 and the future, stating that he wants to focus on three “strategic pillars” going forward, including “storytelling excellence, innovation, and relentless focus on our audience.”

His memo begins with a brief recap of the incredible success of the Walt Disney Company thus far, then transitions to focus on his hopes for Disney’s “second century,” which he hopes will be as successful as the first. While the memo does not identify any specific actions or projects that will contribute to the company’s future success, he does make a point to stress creativity and innovation going forward.

TRON is still a work in progress
Chapek also takes a moment to address Disney’s customers. He writes, “We are a big company with many constituents and stakeholders, all of whom have a place in our decision-making. But at the end of the day, our most important guide — our North Star — is the consumer. We will put them at the center of every decision we make.”

Disney’s guests are essential to the company’s success
To end the letter, Chapek looks forward and highlights his optimism for the future. With so many upcoming projects, including new movies and shows, new attractions, and a hotel, Disney continues to try and create magic for guests. As these new projects unfold, we’ll be here to report on all the changes around the parks and resorts, so stay tuned for updates and other Disney news.
2021 vs. 2022 in Disney World — Here’s What to Expect.
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Allow me to summarise what he said into three points.
1) Fleece customers for as much money as possible.
2) Cut costs and provide the most minimal experience possible.
3) Go to 1.
“We’ll put them at the center of every decision we make by killing all their hopes and dreams all while taking the. For every dime we can,” Bob Paychek said.
Ditto Mr. Spooner. Succinct, accurate.
This is a joke, right?
I’ve been going to WDW since 1971 when it opened. I like Fort Wilderness and in the past have stayed two weeks about three times a year. Prices for the campground has soared ,this is going to be my last year at WDW.
The management has really done a great job of raising prices and giving the patron a lot less. Charge more give less their new motto.
The new CEO is as far from#alt’s vision as the sun is to earth! It’s time to get someone in that position to regain Walt’s vision “ Families first profit second. If you take care of the customers money will come.
The fleecing has already begun. We aren’t getting more bang for the price increases that have been happening for a while, now. Bob Chapek cares nothing for the guest, just the guest’s wallet.
No joke. Mr. “Pay-check” is in it for the money. He doesn’t care what he does to the product, as long as he can get the people’s money.
This is not April fool’s day. Mr. “Pay-check will do whatever he can to make a buck. It does not matter what he does to the Disney product as long as he is head of the company. Please get rid of him and return to the Disney we love, and Walt’s Dream.
Make money, make money, make money. So sad.
Honestly, i feel sorry for the cast members. They are the ones who get the brunt of all the changes Bob is making. I guess he’s so far up the golden tower, that he doesn’t see the tempers flaring, people complaining, etc. The cast members have to deal with all that. It’s so unfair to them. Ive checked prices at my favorite hotels for almost every month in 2022 and I can tell you, as much as I have loved Disney in the past, he has managed to price me right out coming again. It’s selfish, greed and a total lack of concern for the loving Disney customer. And if you are one of the lucky ones who can still afford to go to Disney in 2022, please go out of your way to be kind to the cast members. They deserve kindness and so much more 🥰.
Chapek also takes a moment to address Disney’s customers. He writes, “We are a big company with many constituents and stakeholders, all of whom have a place in our decision-making. But at the end of the day, our most important guide — our North Star — is the consumer. We will put them at the center of every decision we make.”
This is a joke right?? Was he really able to say this with a straight face? Whatever Bob, I got a bridge to sell ya too.
I got a text this morning about how my phone is infected, and a link to fix it. Just a minute ago, I saw an email that confirmed successful billing for an expensive sofa and a number to call if I have questions. Then I read Paycheck’s pillar malarkey.
The three are more similar, in my humble opinion, than different.
All of these “POSTS” …… 100% Spot On !!!! I could not have said it any better !!
Shouldn’t the word be GUEST, not CONSUMER!
“But at the end of the day, our most important guide — our North Star — is the consumer.”
“But at the end of the day, our most important guide — our North Star — is the guest.”
In reading the comments here, I’m glad I’m not alone in my reaction to Mr. Chapek’s comments. We are loyal Disney fans and DVC owners. We travel to Disney Parks every year, sometimes multiple times a year. It has been sad, frustrating, and disheartening to watch as Disney has turned into just another big corporation that seems focused on figuring out how to get more money while providing less value. His use of the word “consumer” rather than “guest” pretty much sums it up.
“Give them nothing. But take from them everything!” King Leonidas in the movie “300”
I think Bob Paycheck has watched 300 too many times.
Mr. Chapek makes no reference to “Customer or Guest Service” as the primary corporate goal to provide the “Magic of Disney”.
Over the past years, I have been to WDW over 100 times and have had several business meetings in WDW, but no more.
Guest Service is no longer a focus in WDW.
“Take what you can, give nothing back” – Captain Jack Sparrow
Bob must have watched Pirates of the Caribbean too many times also.
Mr. Chapek has managed to eliminate the American middle class from experiencing a Disney vacation. So sad….He is now threatening to do the same to the upper middle class. Bob, once your loyal customers are gone, good luck getting them back!
I believe Mr. Spooner’s summary is highly accurate, my contribution is merely a translation of Chapek-Speak.
1. “storytelling excellence”: The ability to convince customers that paying extra for everything new and old is in their best interest.
2. ” innovation”: The act of introducing as many new opportunities as possible that customers can pay extra to participate in.
3. “relentless focus on our audience”: Concentrating on the well being and profit of the Stockholders.
The magic of Disney is rapidly fading.. The things that meant much to families in a vacation has turned into a stressful financial burden on them to try to give their young ones a fun & “magical” trip. This was NOT Walt’s vision for families!
Prices have become outrageous for everything related to WDW.
We were there in Oct 2021. Our 3rd trip in a few years. Spent thousands. Not going back until the Magic returns. This new CEO is more about putting profit well above guest. SAD.
What would Mr Walt Disney think of how his vision is doing things now?
I have been a Disney fan for a long time. The direction the Disney Company is going now is not helpful to the average customer because of the increased prices on all levels and the lessening of serves available at this time. It is disheartening to see the recent changes and charges that are absolutely incredible for the average family. I remember my mother always saying to me “Actions speak louder than words”. Evidently the CEO of Disney has never heard of that saying. He is definitely responsible for the” company greed” that is being shown to his “Disney customers”. Shame on Disney for not “having their actions match their words” to their customers.
I agree with all these posts 100%! We promised my daughters a birthday trip this month. I will try to suspend my frustration for the 5 days we are there and have fun, but after that, we won’t be going back for a loooong time, maybe never. Makes me sad because I have been a WDW fanatic for years.
Seems like the typical comments from a CEO, yet in reality the company is continuing to drift further from being focused on the guest experience.
Storytelling: There has been a complete abandonment of unique storytelling at both parks and resorts and nothing that isn’t already IP surfaces anywhere. Imagineering can’t seem to put anything at parks or resorts that isn’t already part of a film or franchise.
Innovation: They can start with developing better IT infrastructure and leadership. It doesn’t make much sense to try and impress with attraction experiences when we rarely log into My Disney Experience or the DVC site without consistently experiencing things that don’t work. Spending hours on hold because technology doesn’t work doesn’t seem to match this drive to be innovative.
Guest focus: Constant price increases, reduction in services and finding new revenue streams (eg. charging to park at the resorts & My Genie+) aren’t exactly examples of listening to guests.
Many thought that Disney would get through the pandemic by finding ways to attract and nurture guests. Instead this past year has been one of on-going price increases and reducing the guest experience. While people loved to criticize Bob Iger, I think it is a very bumpy road ahead. I was optimistic that having Josh D’Amaro over the parks was going to be a fantastic change, but ultimately Chapek’s leadership is concerning. We definitely could use some pixie dust.
I hope Chapek reads this blog and sees what the true Disney
Lovers think of him and his multi million dollar LIES. This man is a disaster. Get rid of him. Clear and simple !
Amanda, Good catch on Guest vs. Consumer. Chapek is to a Disney man as a bicycle is to Dole Whip.
Therein lies the thinking that makes him unfit for his post FROM A GUEST’S PERSPECTIVE. Everything to him is Profit & Loss, with the only possible profit to the organization coming from financial loss to the consumer. His only audience is shareholders.
Let us not forget one thing – Disney is a profit-based company, not a non-profit or charity. Nobody argues that. Even for-profit companies, though, benefit from their consumers’ goodwill, something that is quickly eroding.
Chapek obviously sees his consumer supply – and their willingness to spend whatever he dictates – as a limitless resource. To whatever degree he’s correct, we’ll see Disney become elitist to the point that the good ‘ol days of minimal crowds WILL return, with those few consumers paying 10X today’s prices.
Does Rolls Royce care that only a select few can afford their automobiles? Absolutely not, and that exclusivity only reinforces their long-cultured snob-appeal. Reasonable people could argue that Chapek’s mental model is similar.
Chapek’s only metric appears to be revenue vs. operational cost. Fewer, more profitable consumers is presumably his only goal. His only motivation to increase the level of service or reduce prices will be a reduction in profitability (number of customers, revenue per head, Cast Member expense and other operational expenses), at which time he’ll throw bones to his consumers to restore his profit picture.
As long as Chapek is at the helm, look for things to get MUCH WORSE for regular families who enjoyed and financially supported the OLD Disney brand. We’re seeing, as a contributor (paraphrased) observed, a shift from Disney to non-Disney forms of family entertainment.
In a charitable moment of fairness, though, think about the huge crowds we see today, even at the current rates and lack of Magic we’ve come to love. Reduced rates would mean even BIGGER crowds and more of the county fair or parking lot carnival atmosphere even now creeping into the parks. Maybe it really IS time to find something else to do with our money, and enjoy our memories.
Walt who???
Does Big Boy Bob care about any of these comments?
Outrageous….and I do mean outrageous sum of money for the 2 day Star wars hotel experience and the opening month is completely sold out.
Disney says- build it, and they will come.
I’ve being going to Walt Disney World since 1971. I brought my kids up on Walt Disney magic and now they’ve they’re bring up their kids on Walt’s Magic. Sadly, the Bob Chapek “The Exterminator” has worked his wicked spell to kill Walt’s magic that has brought so much joy to so many generations. It’s no wonder that many are already posting that Universal is the “Theme Park” of 2022. While our family does own 2 DVC memberships, we’re seriously thinking that we’ll skip all Disney parks this year. It will be the first time in 50 years that Walt Disney won’t be part of our vacation plans. I’m sure Walt’s crushed and turning over in his grave. Given that there’s little or no hope the “Magic” will return, we have no choice but to venture out to search for new forms of family vacation fun/magic, 😢🤔
The Star Wars hotel will flop. Even if the opening month is full (I doubt it) the prohibitively huge cost will prevent people from going back a second time.
One and a half days locked inside a hotel… Just what you wanted after 18+ months of lockdowns. Brilliant!
Once again we the “consumer” spew our dismay but with little impact. So many comments are right on the money. Yup. That’s what it is all about – the money not the experience. His “North Star” is burning out as it gets scorched by every new decision. The days of being guests are gone. I wonder how cast members feel about this many -words- say -nothing memo. I have often said, Walt is turning in his grave. As much of a business man as he was, his concept for these parks has been eroded more and more each year. Unfortunately, as stated before, “if Disney builds it, they ( those faithful, broke consumers) will come.! And sadly they will pay for it. At least for now. I too believe it will become so elitist that the face of Disney will become a dollar sign not a mouse. I suppose we should be flooding the corporate offices with these responses not just the blogs. I’m sure there’s a form letter or some auto-response already for us. How disheartening.
At this rate, it will be cheaper to go to Europe than to visit any Disney park.
Cut me a break! Chapek could care less about the consumer/ loyal fans. He has one goal and only one goal: make as much money as possible while destroying as much magic as possible and taking as many amenities as possible away. His only goal is increasing profits at the expense of the magic!
So who do we think wrote the memo so it would sound nice for the CMs? A Communications cast member or a corporate assistant? Definitely he didn’t write this lol.
I am fortunate enough and local enough to still be able to afford to go to WDW, but on principal we are refusing to give them any of our money this year.
I’m really sad for my 4yo kiddo because the last time we went was pre-pandemic when they were newly 2yo, and imo 4-6 is the most magical age to go.
With the replacement of FPP with paid Genie+, ticket price hikes, disappearance of the annual pass option, park reservations availability heavily restricted for AP holders, tons of fired performers still not back at their jobs, and hotel prices on a never ending skyrocket to the moon, combined with there still being huge crowds at the parks despite all of this, we are no longer excited at the prospect of a WDW visit.
Maybe one day there will be a magic:price ratio that is worth it, but it certainly isn’t there right now, and judging from Chapek’s speech that ratio isn’t going up anytime soon.
With all of the TERRIBLE CHANGES made in Disney there will be a price to pay by Disney In the future. Families like mine who have come often, WILL STOP COMING and families who come for the first time WILL NOT RETURN. Disney Will have many CANCELLATIONS and MANY EMPTY ROOMS. Disney, for the sake of your GUESTS, please change your policy back to pre-pandemic
Have been a DVC member since 2008. Go to WDW several times per year. Since re opening parks in 2020 the magic is gone; the perks gone; and the prices have gone up too much. I feel like a “Revenue Unit” not a Guest. 9 dollars for 2 egg rolls!!!! Honestly could you be more greedy Disney.
Just came back from WDW vacation – noticed workers busy talking to each other and ignoring “guests” as well as rude & incredibly slow staff at food booths. Disney is paying good money for folks who don’t want to work or don’t care about representing Disney in a friendly guest forward manor. It all starts here with the line workers.
In closing – also have to mention – whose stupid idea was it to combine the POPS Eat Booth line with the new popcorn bucket line – folks reported waiting up to 7 hours. What a bottleneck!!!!! Disney staff should have realized this and separated the popcorn bucket area from the food booths the next day – but they did NOT. Same poor plan on Day 2 – same congestion and lengthy wait times.
Whoever is running the show (Chapeck) obviously is NOT THINKING ABOUT THE GUESTS!!!! This is a no brainer.
Walt Disney already rolled over in his grave, starting when Eisner was CEO. This CEO follows Eisner’s tradition to bilk customers for all they can. Prices have been out of reach for me and my family for a long time and other families like ours. Walt created Disney not for the elites in this world but for the average family. So much for his wishes. Those have gone out the window.
Sadly, Walt Disney World has become so expensive, many families, especially those located in the Western United States, can no longer afford it. But affordability is not a goal and the average American Family is no longer the target demographic.
Walt Disney had a dream and people loved it WDW was for the average family Not any more