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  1. We always eat a nice breakfast at one of the resorts and hit the parks about 30 – 45 minutes after rope drop. We walk right in….no standing for 75-80 minutes at the turnstiles for us. Not to mention lining up for the buses, etc. everything moves so much more smoothly right after rope drop.

  2. True Story, we packed our electric skillet in our suitcase so when we stayed at Animal kingdom Lodge we could cook pancakes for our family of 5 before we go to the parks. We typically are at the gate an hour before park opening so we are eating earlier than some places open…

  3. Generally speaking, I’m not one to eat a big breakfast, so I always have cereal in my room before heading to the park, and it’s been years since I had breakfast in the parks. Usually once per vacation (usually on check-out day) I’ll go to the resort’s quick-service for some Mickey waffles.

  4. We have stayed in a resort many times and we always have a relaxed breakfast time in the resort and get to the parks around mid morning by that time the mad rush has gone and we always have a good day Plus we are able to spend time late in the day say at Disney Springs or the late fireworks in the parks and still have plenty of energy left!!

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