Will you be heading to the 2024 EPCOT Food & Wine Festival?
As you know, the festival has officially begun, and there is quite a lot eat, drink, and buy. You’ll find plenty of food booths, merch, and even concerts you have to watch! But even though there’s all of that, there’s still an uncomfortable problem and we need to chat about it!
As we were saying, the EPCOT Food and Wine Festival has an “uncomfortable” problem, so let’s talk about it!
The Table Dilemma
Okay, first up, we talk about the general lack of tables? Seriously, the lack has most of us feeling like we’re expected to enjoy our treats just standing up or sitting on the curb like a college student eating takeout?
We’ve seen people plenty of people balancing their plates on top of trash cans, which, while creative, is not exactly the “magical” experience we’re all hoping for.
At the end of the day, the Food & Wine Festival could use a lot more tables and places to actually sit and savor the food. We shouldn’t be doing a balancing act. There is one item that we tend to bring to the festivals to combat that — food trays! Oh, yeah. We’re talking trays like you used to use at your school cafeteria.
These trays make it easier to carry your food while you are on the hunt for a table. They also just make it easier if you aren’t able to find a table at all!
The Bee Situation
Now, we’re all for saving the bees as they’re vital to our ecosystem, but when they’re swarming around our drinks and desserts, it’s a problem.
At the same time, all those the sweet-smelling cocktails and sugary treats are basically an open invitation for these buzzing pests. But, in the end, constantly shooing bees away doesn’t exactly scream “relaxing day at EPCOT.”
We have literally seen booths have to CLOSE during the festival due to swarms of bees. If you see a booth that’s unexpectedly closed, this might be why. Just circle back later and hopefully the bees will have moved on and allowed the booth to reopen.
And, we literally had a bee land in our drink this year and we accidentally drank it… So remember to check your drink before ya sip!
The CommuniCore Disappointment
Next, we’ve got to talk about the CommuniCore situation. You remember how not that long ago, we were all hyped about the renovations and updates? Well, all that excitement kind of fizzled out once we realized it wasn’t going to be the awesome hub we expected it to be.
Instead of a cool, revitalized space, it feels like they just slapped something together to fill the gap, and for a park that prides itself on innovation, this was, understandably, a bit of a letdown.
As the Food and Wine Festival keeps expanding, it’s kind of a bummer that this area isn’t living up to its potential as a festival hotspot. Hopefully Disney will take the feedback and will continue to improve and add more to this space at the next few festivals. Since it is just an empty and open space, the potential for additions and change is still there!
It’s SO HOT for Heavy Food
Now, let’s talk about the weather. I know we’re in Florida, and I’m used to the heat (for the most part), but some of these food options are just too heavy for this climate.
Do I really want a rich, cheesy soup when it’s 90 degrees and I’m already sweating bullets? My head says, YES. My body says, not really.
I find myself craving lighter, refreshing options, but they’re often overshadowed by the heartier dishes. It’s a bit like the menu didn’t get the memo that this festival starts during the hottest part of the year. The heavier foods make a bit more sense now that the festival is starting later but we still think a few more lighter options would be welcome Food and Wine additions.
The Rainy Day Problem
Now, if the heat wasn’t enough, we’ve got the rain to deal with too. Most of the booths are outdoors with little to no cover.
So if it starts pouring, you’re either huddling under a single umbrella with your soggy food or you’re making a mad dash for the nearest pavilion.
This all begs the question, “Why start a festival during Florida’s rainy season if there’s no plan to keep everyone dry?” We’d love to see Disney provide a solution for this in the near future. Just a few more umbrellas or some covered areas to eat would be simple and welcome additions around the World Showcase.
Hangry at EPCOT
Lastly, you might find yourself in the struggle of choosing festival food over a table service restaurant.
We’ve heard from more than a few people who decided to skip sit-down meals to try everything the festival had to offer, only to end up hangry and frustrated after waiting in long lines.
By the time they got their food, they were so over it that they just went to Connections Café to grab something quick, which wasn’t exactly the foodie adventure they had in mind. Timing is everything at the festival. If you are trying to avoid crowds, we suggest hitting up the festival during lunch time on a weekday. Evenings and weekends tend to be busier!
Trying to plan the PERFECT trip to the 2024 EPCOT Food & Wine Festival? We’ll be keeping you updated on all of the latest. Click our links below for the information you need to know:
- Learn about the Eat to the Beat Concert Series and Dining Packages
- Check out ALL of the 2024 Food & Wine Booth Menus
- One HUGE Change Is Coming to the 2024 EPCOT Food & Wine Festival!
Click here to see FULL reviews of EVERY. SINGLE. BOOTH. at the Food & Wine Festival!
And don’t forget to pick up our 2024 EPCOT Food & Wine Festival e-book! See more details about the book below.

Food & Wine Festival can be a bummer. You stand in line waiting for what looks like the perfect treat, and it's a bust. But fear not, dear friends, we compiled EVERYTHING you need (and the things to avoid!) to plan the ULTIMATE EPCOT Food & Wine Festival experience.
If you're planning a day or a week at the festival, we've got every performance, activity, and tasty nosh detailed out so you can make the most of your time and money. Listen, it's a tough job eating and documenting the nearly 200 bites and sips, but we do it all for YOU!
Learn More About the EPCOT Food and Wine Festival!
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What “problems” have you come across with the Food and Wine Festival? Tell us in the comments!
Sick of the “drinking around the world” stuff. Making EPCOT like a frat party or Greek Week at a college campus
Are they EVER going to bring back the seminars, chef meetups, special dinners and parties. Food and Wine USED to be a great event – now it’s just kiosks. I love the kiosks, getting to taste some great foods, but I miss the whole FESTIVAL that is used to be. I usually come for a week, but am planning on cutting back to a couple days because I can do all the kiosks in less time. Going to Swan & Dolphin’s Food & Wine this year.
I totally agree with Deborah!!! Sometimes EPCOT is just packed with people who have had too much to drink and just wander around acting stupid , bumping into people, stepping on people’s feet, saying obnoxious things to people. Those days are not fun for me or my family .
@ Deborah
I totally agree. It’s making it a horrible environment for kids grownups alike who don’t want to be around that kind of behavior. There are hundreds of other places for these drunkards to hang out in Orlando, why trash EPCOT? Also, there have been more frequent episodes of fights and unruly behavior that Disney seems confused about (in statements), that very likely is due to all the alcohol around the parks. My sister used to be a cast member at Disneyland and the worst problems they saw were patrons of Downtown Disney bars acting up going into the parks. Disney didn’t need MORE alcohol in the parks, which they now have in Disneyland.
Also, that “reimagined” Communicore Hall looks just as bad during the festival, despite Disney’s grand promises. Not only has it NOT improved, they managed to make it look worse. (Sections of the Orlando airport look more enticing.) Those rolling clothing racks make it look like an indoor flea market or swap meet, which wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t at one of the most expensive family vacation destinations! Imagineering has left the building.
DFB seemed obsessed with the construction of the new CommuniCore space. I think the expectations were a bit high.
The table issue is something that Epcot Ops leadership should have realized on their own. It’s unfortunate that tables and the ability to enjoy the F&B offerings are so lacking.
Sick of entitled older folx trying to tell me how I have to enjoy my own vacation. We all paid to be here and frankly if you keep ruining things for other people you should compensate for having to put up with you. If I want to drink my way around Epcot, that’s my own business. I enjoy these guides! This is the happiest place on earth and you are a downer, Debbie. Stop coming to Disney just to clog my lines with your foul attitude.