Disney is getting dragged into politics again.
For much of 2022 and 2023, Disney found itself locked in a political battle with Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis. Issues initially spurred from Disney’s objection to the controversial DeSantis-backed Parental Rights in Education Act legislation in Florida, before exploding into a larger “culture war” issue regarding Disney’s “special district” status in Florida. The issue seems to be resolved through a settlement and a new Disney deal with Florida earlier this year. However, the company has now been dragged back into the political spotlight thanks to the upcoming 2024 United States Presidential Election.
On September 10th, Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump will engage in a presidential debate, the first of the cycle since Harris replaced incumbent President Joe Biden, who dropped out of the race in July. The debate will be broadcast on Disney-owned ABC, and moderated by the network’s David Muir and Linsey Davis.
Tuesday night's highly anticipated presidential debate will take place at the National Constitution Center, just steps away from where the U.S. Constitution was drafted and signed in Philadelphia in 1787.
Follow live updates on the debate: https://t.co/AVa07tZIk4
— ABC News (@ABC) September 10, 2024
In the days leading up to the debate, conservative pundit and longtime Trump friend and supporter Sean Hannity spoke out against Disney on his Fox News show. After saying that the debate will not be fair “barring some kind of political miracle,” Hannity claimed that “ABC-Disney is officially a woke, left-wing organization.” He went on to attack Muir, ABC political commentator George Stephanopoulos (who is not moderating the debate), and ABC late-night host Jimmy Kimmel for alleged “hard-core politically left” views.
From there, Hannity insinuated that any perceived biases against Trump in the debate could lead to a boycott of Disney. The host expounded, “Maybe Bob Iger and his left-wing heir apparent, maybe they don’t want half the country to attend their theme parks. Maybe they don’t care about their tanking stock price, which is their prerogative. They’re free to make that choice, but if they are biased against Donald Trump, as they have been leading into tomorrow night as their nightly newscast is, half the country is not going to like it one bit. They are not going to like ABC-Disney one bit either.”
While Hannity’s oblique threat of a boycott doesn’t seem likely to lead to anything no matter how Tuesday night’s debate goes, Disney has once again been dragged into the political realm. Stay tuned to DFB for further coverage.
He’s right, it won’t be fair.
It sounds to me that Fox’s Sean Hannity is “salty” that he didn’t get to rig/host the debate in favor of his presidential choice and we all know who that is. Targeting Disney because of the debate venue is silly.
His boycott is not going to affect Disney. He does not have that much influence. The people that already don’t like Disney aren’t going to change their minds and the people that do like Disney aren’t going to change their minds based off a presidential debate done on a Disney owned TV channel . I’m sure there are people that like shows on ABC and they’re not going to quit watching them just because Hannity and Trump think they were treated unfairly during the debate. It will be the same thing as with the other boycotts. People will say they’re going to boycott something and then not really do it if it affects them.
We crazy lefties are totally okay with the parks being less crowded. The rest of y’all have fun at the Kid Rock concerts! xo
it absolutely won’t affect Disney. Just another threat from the void.
Hannity can step off! Die hard Disney fans will not let this sway them at all!! And any that do, weren’t true fans.
Unfortunately it was terribly biased. I doubt though it will have much affect on attendance
Lol, I don’t think the debate changed anyone’s mind. “Boycott” away if you hate a company based on acceptance.
Not a single MAGA hat visible on property today or any other day so far this week. Nothing but Ears and smiles and no whining from anyone older than 4yrs old. Fox has less than zero impact here.
ABC is not as pro Democrats as much as FoxNews is pro Trump for sure. Fox doesn’t work as a news channel, but an advertizing company for the extreme right.
Hannity and Trump should just go run off together. I guess that Hannity doesn’t consider the debate to be fair because of Harris’ superior intelligence and Trump’s ability to constantly appear as a babbling out of touch idiot, which he completely does on his own regardless of the circumstances.
Good luck telling your kids they can’t go to Walt Disney World because of Trump.
This won’t affect Disney directly, however Disney’s Woke policies will continue to drive away customers.
I also see many companies abandoning the Socialist/Communist DEI policies as pressure from stockholders and customers mount. Disney would be wise to do the same, but I doubt they will sadly.
There still are some sane Republicans and they are not going to stop their family from coming to WDW.
I guess if there was a debate on FOX, it would be fair. Really?? Right!! Have you ever seen one of the Trump Town Halls? Real fair.
Keep your hands off my HAPPY PLACE!
I don’t see how Disney got “dragged in”, the way I see it they marched in back in 2022. I didn’t view Hannity calling for a boycott as much as him saying that people who are looking for the news media and TV broadcasting who are saying they are non-biased, to be just that. Also stating fact that many folks spend their money with companies who align with their beliefs, or don’t when there is an assault on those beliefs, real or perceived.
Many folks, whether or not everyone sees it, have seen for many years how the media can lean hard one direction. I remember watching one debate between H. Clinton and Obama, the questions to Obama were softballs and the ones to Clinton were really hardball questions. It was very pronounced.
I do put my money where my beliefs line up for the most part. Just like you probably even if its not something 100% intentional.
I think the parks could be impacted more due to cost of tickets & lodging, challenges with our economy, and gas prices. All those able to go enjoy the parks right now, are truly blessed, and I hope they along with the wonderful DFB folks keeping sharing the fun and wonder with me. Thanks for all you do!
I wish Elon would buy Disney.
While I also doubt that this announced boycott will make much of a difference, there is also something called “the last straw.” For me, the last straw might be the removal of the water feature near The Haunted Mansion. I literally dread going to my favorite ride in the MK and seeing the changes. And, as was mentioned, it will be two fewer people if my husband and I don’t renew our passes. Just remember that, as people drop out of visiting Disney World, there will be fewer people to cover the costs of maintaining the parks.
Lmao! That’s hilarious
y’all, we can do better than that! BOTH sides
Sadly, he was right….ABC is so far left leaning I’m surprised they did not fall out of their chairs.
Thankfully, ABC was not aired on Directv streaming due to contract dispute. Saved my ears from her awful voice.
First of all I would like to say as far as the dolphins being relocated to a better facility i’m all for it. And as far as the debate I watched it on september tenth. And while I’ll make it very clear.I am voting for trump. The other opponent isn’t making her policies clear.She and the other guy have had three and a half years to do this policy. The presidential elections are never totally one hundred percent fair. And also I Am a Disney stock holsir.Okay I only own one share. I have owned this stock since twenty twelve and i’ve seen it plummet. And yes, there will be those who will avoid Disney.Which is their prerogative. I also want to let everyone know on this website.That my boyfriend is so anti disney. It is so very hard at times when this comes up.
I have to sit there and listen to him. You know it’s very hard to be a disney fan these days . I sure would like to know if disney truly does own the news division of a b c. But I want to let you guys know before I Conclude this, Two years ago I contracted a near fatal spinal Infection that I was on a vent for 16 days. During those difficult days in rehabilitation the thought of walking down main straight got me through it.
People are still going to go to Disney regardless of their political views. But if it also means the parks will have less crowds, then boycott away. At least I get to walk on every attraction without having to pay for lightning lanes.
Since the debate was shown on all major networks, I can see no reason why it should not have been shown on ABC no matter who owns it. However, I do not understand why it was shown on Disney+. I do not think that politics belong on Disney+. As one talk show host commented: did Lilo & Stitch review the debate afterwards?
You have to appreciate the irony of anyone who works at Fox News accusing another network of being biased.
He wasn’t wrong about the bias tho. If they wanted to fact check, they should have fact checked both. I don’t think it will result in a boycott however.
Such silliness. It’s weird.
The real issue is not political, it’s between Disney & it’s channels vs Direct TV….and money
As a life long Republican, I don’t take Hannity nor Fox News in general, seriously. I doubt the people who watch that garbage go to Disney often. But in total fairness, I don’t like CNN or MSNBC either. Cable “news” is ruining our country
The lemmings will continue to flock to WDW.
Well of course. Disney owns the channel that hosted the debate 3 against one sham!
Lucretia..I respect your opinion. But if I disagree with opinion of Fox news, I can go to other news channels just as you choose not to watch Fox. But I have no other Disney World to go to…Take off your rose colored glasses for Disney corporation. They always will and always did their best to bankrupt competition. This directv shake down makes me angry. Just because Disney fights with Desantes and Trump you don’t have to love and support them. They are ruthless. Treat them the way democrats treat Exxon.
Disney is responsible for ABC ‘s bad behavior. The commentators let Kamala slide without answering questions. She spent the time trying to get Trump mad Well Kamala, is the country better off than 4 years ago? No is the answer. This swings over to people cancelling trips to DW because they are short on funds to pay for rent ,bills,food. I am also a shareholder and season pass holder. This is not a laughing matter. My stock has tanked. Disney, get your act together .
Yojg, ever occur to you that you won’t see a MAGA hat on in Disneyworld because some would say (WRONGLY!!) that it’s too political and too “offensive” for some to handle ???
Another slab of red meat for the base from Sean Insanity. Super bias calling someone else biased. Will we heal when Trumpty Dumpty is finally gone?