Mickey and Minnie’s Surprise Celebration took place at the Magic Kingdom from January 18, 2019 through September 30, 2019, and different snacks and novelty souvenirs were a HUGE part of the celebration!
We gathered our reviews of these limited-time treats on this page. Though this event is now over, we are currently looking forward to the NEXT big celebration — the 50th Anniversary Celebration of Walt Disney World Resort which kicks off on October 1, 2021 — and you can find out more here!
Gaston’s Tavern
Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Cafe
Plaza Ice Cream Parlor
Tony’s Town Square, The Crystal Palace, and Jungle Navigation Co. LTD Skipper Canteen
- True Love Cheesecake – available through February 15, 2019
Main Street Confectionery and Big Top Treats
Big Top Treats
Mickey and Minnie’s Surprise Celebration ran through September 30, 2019. You can check out all of the information for the next BIG PARTY — the 50th Anniversary Celebration for Walt Disney World Resort — here!