As part of the celebration of the upcoming live-action film, The Lion King, Disney has launched “a global campaign to raise awareness of the crisis facing lions.”
Disney shares that the campaign supports “the Lion Recovery Fund and its partners to help advance conservation across Africa, including the goal to double the number of lions in the wild by 2050.”
As part of the efforts, two new Special Edition plush are newly available in Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
The colorful Simba and Nala plush are $19.99 each. And for each plush sold, Disney will donate $5.00 to the Wildlife Conservation Network in support of the Lion Recovery Fund (and its local partners).
40,000 of the plush will ultimately be available in both Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resort. Guests can find the plush now at Mombasa, Island Mercantile, and Discovery Trading Company at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, and at Seaside Souvenirs at Disney’s California Adventure park.
Starting July 1st, the plush will also be sold in World of Disney, Elias & Co. and Bazaar at Disneyland Resort and in the Emporium, Mouse Gear, World of Disney and more locations at Walt Disney World Resort.
Additionally, at, Disney has announced that for every guest who rides the Kilimanjaro Safaris attraction in Animal Kingdom from July 19 – 25, 2019 (the opening week of “The Lion King”), the Disney Conservation Fund will donate $2.00 (up to $350,000) to the Lion Recovery Fund’s efforts. You can learn more about these and other efforts by visiting
Disney shares: “Wildlife Conservation Network’s Lion Recovery Fund supports a variety of organizations working across Africa to benefit people, wildlife and habitats. WCN has established an unparalleled reputation for integrity and programmatic impact and the LRF is dedicated to ensuring a long-term future for African lions and their habitats by engaging communities and developing campaigns that build support for the protection and revitalization of these animals.”
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Would you like to pick up a Simba or Nala plush? Please let us know with a comment!
sandra belanger says
Can I buy one over the net? I have a special granddaughter who would cherish one.
DFB Sarah says
Sandra, here’s the link for Simba, and here’s the link for Nala.
Sue Gold says
I’m getting both