We wanted to know how far our readers think Disney+ should go to keep content on the platform family-friendly!
Ever since Disney+ launched, we’ve enjoyed binging our favorite classics and brand new content! For the most part, Disney has remained committed to keeping the streaming service arguably “clean.” Although a R-rated additions have been added. In the past, Disney+ has come into the spotlight for the lengths they’ve gone to to censor content (looking at you, Splash butt scene!). So we wanted to hear your opinions on whether Disney+ should censor content and we reached out or our instagram readers to find out!
What is Disney+ Censoring?
As Disney+ has continued to evolve, there have been some changes in terms of censorship and how Disney has decided to handle the addition of more violent and mature content. Currently, Disney+ has parental controls which allow subscribers to select content rating restrictions for each profile on their account. For younger kids, you can select “G” or “PG” (and below) content only. Subscribers can also lock profiles with a PIN code to prevent other users from accessing higher-rated content on different profiles.
But this isn’t the only way that content is censored on the platform. Some scenes have been edited or removed from shows and films entirely. And on top of that, there are some episodes of shows that have simply not been added to the platform at all.
Examples of Disney+ Censorship
A scene from Splash has been edited to remove a brief glimpse of Daryl Hannah’s naked rear end, even though this movie earned a PG rating when it was released (to be fair, the PG-13 rating had not yet been created!).
We’ve also seen the rating guidelines cause hangups for new programming as well. The much-anticipated revival of Lizzie McGuire was put on hold.
Star Hilary Duff expressed concerns that Disney would remove any adult themes from the show saying, “I’d be doing a disservice to everyone by limiting the realities of a 30 year old’s journey to live under the ceiling of a PG rating. It’s important to me that just as her experiences as a preteen/teenager navigating life were authentic, her next chapters are equally as real and relatable. It would be a dream if Disney would let us move the show to Hulu, if they were interested, and I could bring this beloved character to life again.”
The 1946 film Song of the South, long considered controversial due to racist character depictions, is notably unavailable on the streaming service. While Dumbo is on Disney+, a dated scene featuring stereotyped crows remains with a disclaimer that it contains culturally outdated depictions. You will see disclaimers like the one below on films like Peter Pan, The Aristocats, and more as well.
Disney has gone to great lengths to ensure its content falls squarely into the “family-friendly” category.
This is Disney’s statement on the advisory. “As part of our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion, we are in the process of reviewing our library and adding advisories to content that includes negative depictions or mistreatment of people or cultures. Rather than removing this content, we see an opportunity to spark conversation and open dialogue on history that affects us all. We also want to acknowledge that some communities have been erased or forgotten altogether, and we’re committed to giving voice to their stories as well.”
What Do Our Readers Think?
We wanted to hear what our readers think about Disney+ censoring content, so we reached out on Instagram to get their thoughts. And we were super interested to see how this one turned out!
Of the 218 initial responses, a resounding 181 people said NO they don’t think Disney+ should censor their content. In contrast, 19 people said YES they do think the streaming service should be censored, and 18 people said IN SOME CASES they think it’s a good idea. Here’s a visual breakdown of the results!
Let’s take a look at some of the reasons behind the responses!
“Yes, Disney+ Should Censor The Content!”
Of the people who responded, 9% think Disney+ should censor the content available on the service. The consensus among this group was that as a Disney platform, the programming should stay family-friendly. As one reader put it, “It’s Disney. [We] shouldn’t have to worry about what’s on.”
Another reader also pointed out that lots of younger viewers will be watching. “I think Disney+ is geared towards a younger crowd and should be kept family-friendly!”
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“Disney+ Should Censor Some Things”
Close behind the number of people who said all content on the service should be censored, 8% said they think Disney+ should censor some parts of the platform. There were a few reasons given for this response. Some said that they think certain things should make the cut, while others go too far. “Depends! No to Song of the South, but yes to adult Lizzie!”
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“No, Disney+ Should Never Censor!”
Making up the majority of responses, 83% of people said that Disney+ shouldn’t censor their content. As one reader put it, “Families can make their own choices about what they want to watch [and] allow for their kids.”
Others also pointed out that by censoring, it would be difficult for Disney to decide where to draw the line. One reader gave the example, “Endgame had Thor chop off Thanos’ head. Maybe add a warning with a button.”
Of the people who responded, most thought that Disney+ shouldn’t censor their content, saying Disney should allow users to take personal responsibility for what they and their family watch.
Others raised concerns and said they would prefer for Disney to continue censoring some, or all, of their programming. We think there were valid points made on all sides of the issue, and it will be interesting to see whether Disney continues the current guidelines and practices!
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Do you think Disney+ should censor their content? Let us know in the comments!
I would prefer that Disney would not censor their content on Disney+. However, I do not have children and can understand some of the concerns. Perhaps Disney could offer both censored and un-censored versions of some content, and allow the viewers to decide which version to view. But, I feel like if they offer advisory warnings as they have been, this should be adequate to allow viewers to decide if content is appropriate for their family. I watched Splash recently and thought the censored scene looked odd and wasn’t sure why they thought it necessary to change. I saw this movie as a child and was not warped by a glimpse of Daryl Hannah’s behind!
I think of Disney as a family friendly entity and that includes Disney+. Now, maybe a solution could be that there’s another channel for more adult programming. Or some type of parental restriction so that only clean programs will be shown without a parental override. — I don’t care for cursing and watching sexual situations. I realize I’m most likely in the minority, but I’m 72 and I don’t want my 7 year old granddaughter to turn on Disney and see things that aren’t appropriate. — It’d be like Sesame Street having Big Bird cussing up a storm. Or going to the parks and seeing a Princess and her Prince getting cozy. No thanks.
I am not one who believes in censorship. But I also do not believe the anything goes with children. The long standing reputation of this wonderful company as family friendly should not be changed. Parents need to know that thier children and grandchildren will be entertained by all things with the Walt Disney name. There are thousands of uncensored sites where this meaningful brand is not at risk. Disney needs to remain PLUS, all the family friendly entertainment we have come to expect over the years. Permitting less that that is Disney MINUS the brand we have learned for 50 years to respect and support.
I dont believe in censorship but I dont have small kids either..Censoring Splash which was my favorite mvie when I was a child is going to far. As a kid I can promise you seeing her behind meant nothing to me ..What I got out of the movie as a child was I wanted to b a mermaid. Should violence b censored maybe a glimpse of a behind no
It’s not Disney’s job to censor or keep and eye on what my or anyone else’s children watch. I understand that not everyone has the opportunity or time to keep an eye on their children but it’s not a private companies job to police what I watch or am exposed to.
Disney should not censor. I will be 70 yrs old this year and enjoy going to Disney and watching their movies. I grew up on these movies and I am a good person. Parents should be the ones to decide if they want their children to watch them. I also believe that the majority should rule but that doesn’t seem to be the case these days.
I make decisions for family viewing depending on the age of the viewers in the family and I don’t think Disney should make that decision for me. I teach and have a very old copy of Song of the South. This is an excellent movie to ILLUSTRATE racist attitudes that no one even considered racist decades ago. With proper guidance, young adults should be provided with the option to view these movies or not. We are, you’ll pardon the expression, “white-washing” our past. By doing so, we do not show that things are infinitely better than they used to be, not uniformly bad as we are now doing. Nothing created by man is perfect, least of all our country. But we try to improve and get better. What other country can say that?
Bottom line? Let me make the choices for my own family. Some of these movies are teaching moments!
I it is very very sad to see that Disney classics r being censored. Disney has fallen to “political correctness”. This has very little to do with children (which I do have) and much to do with removing history, so as to limit knowledge. WHERE HAS THE MAGIC GONE??????