If you’re heading to Disney World soon and haven’t bought your ticket yet, there’s some important price information you need to know about.
Price increases have impacted a number of things around Disney World including HUNDREDS of food items, merchandise items, and more. Now, it looks like price increases are impacting some park tickets too.
Disney World park tickets operate on a date-specific pricing model. That means each day is priced differently depending on the expected demand for that date. Ticket prices in 2022 range from $109 to $159.
One thing to keep in mind is that depending on how many days you buy tickets for, the price PER DAY changes. So, for example, previously one-park-per-day ticket prices started at $109 for a 1-day ticket and went up to $54 for a 10-day ticket. But now things have changed.
WDWMagic initially shared some news on this (as well as some old specific day pricing!) and we did some digging to see what’s going on.
It appears that certain multi-day tickets have now increased in price. For 1-park-per-day tickets, 1-day tickets still start at $109. It appears 2-day and 3-day tickets have also remained unchanged when it comes to that starting price. But, now 4 day tickets have gone from $105 per day to $106 per day, and other tickets appear to have also seen an increase.
Here’s a list of the changes for the starting price for 1-park-per-day tickets:
- 1-day: no change, still $109 per day
- 2-day: no change, still $107 per day
- 3-day: no change, still $106 per day
- 4-day: from $105 per day to $106 per day ($1 increase over 4 days: $4 increase)
- 5-day: from $90 per day to $91 per day ($1 increase over 5 days: $5 increase)
- 6-day: from $77 per day to $78 per day ($1 increase over 6 days: $6 increase)
- 7-day: $68 per day to $69 per day ($1 increase over 7 days: $7 increase)
- 8-day: $62 per day to $64 per day ($2 increase over 8 days: $16 increase)
- 9-day: $57 per day to $59 per day ($2 increase over 9 days: $18 increase)
- 10-day: $54 per day to $55 per day ($1 increase over 10 days: $10 increase)
Some Park Hoppers have also changed in price. Below is a screenshot with the prices taken in January of 2022.
Here’s a look at the starting price for Park Hopper tickets as they appear now.
Here’s a break-down of the changes for these starting prices:
- 1-day park hopper: no change, still $174
- 2-day park hopper: no change, still $144
- 3-day park hopper: no change, still $131
- 4-day park hopper: no change, still $127
- 5-day park hopper: $107 to $108 per day ($1 increase per day over 5 days: $5 increase)
- 6-day park hopper: $91 to $92 per day ($1 increase per day over 6 days: $6 increase)
- 7-day park hopper: $80 to $81 per day ($1 increase per day over 7 days: $7 increase)
- 8-day park hopper: $73 to $74 per day ($1 increase per day over 8 days: $8 increase)
- 9-day park hopper: $67 to $68 per day ($1 increase per day over 9 days: $9 increase)
- 10-day park hopper: $62 to $64 per day ($2 increase per day over 10 days: $20 increase)
Remember that these are all the starting prices. The actual price of your trip will vary depending on the days you choose to visit and what price Disney has assigned to those dates (depending on expected demand).
From what we’re seeing, even though that listed starting price for a 3-day or 4-day park hopper hasn’t gone up, you may find that your 3-day or 4-day park hopper ticket is in fact MORE expensive than what it was before. From our understanding, this may be due to the price level assigned to the dates for 2022.
For example, 3-day park hoppers previously ranged in price (with tax) for 2022 from $415.77 to $555.88. Now, that range for tickets available for the remainder of 2022 is from $416.37 to $555.88 (just a slight increase there on the lower end of the range).
Other tickets also appear to have seen an increase. For example, 10-day park hoppers previously had a range from $644.22 to $794.17 in terms of total ticket price. Now, it looks like that range is $671.55 to $843.95.
Here’s a full list of changes that we’re seeing for 1-park-per-day tickets.
- 4-day was $434.83-$596.74, now $447.70-$596.74
- 5-day was $463.56-$630.85, now $481.94 – $649.39
- 6-day was $477.79-$645.91, now $496.43-$672.25
- 7-day was $492.06-$661.56, now $511.10-$694.96
- 8-day was $518.17-$678.83, now $540.59-$721.18
- 9-day was $536.00-$691.93, now $561.29-$738.66
- 10 day was $553.69-$703.65, now $581.02 – $753.42
Changes appear to have also been made for the ranges for Park Hopper tickets and Park Hopper plus in terms of what the actual tickets will cost (tax included) for the remaining high and low priced dates in 2022.
It appears Disney has also changed some things in the calendar when it comes to pricing (this could all be factoring into the changes we’re seeing on those price ranges). From what we can see, certain days appear to now have been placed into different price tiers. For example, here’s a look at the previous March 2022 calendar for a 3-day (1-park-per-day) ticket. This screenshot was taken in January of 2022.
Now here’s a look at the calendar as it appears now. March 1st was previously priced at $128, now it is $131. March 6th was previously $131, now it is $132. The sample 3-day ticket we had above was $399.72/ticket. Those same dates now give us a ticket priced at $404.78.
So the ticket range itself ($109-$159) hasn’t changed, but you may find that (1) the dates you’re looking to purchase tickets for now fall under a HIGHER price tier, and (2) select multi-day tickets will cost more as their starting cost per day has increased. If you haven’t already purchased your tickets for your 2022 trip, be sure to check and see how prices may have changed since the last time you looked, as it might mean you’ll have to do some budget adjusting.
We’ll keep an eye out for more Disney news and let you know what we find. Stay tuned for more updates!
Why are prices increasing in the parks? See what CEO Bob Chapek had to say
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Why are park hoppers more costly when you are only allowed to to visit one other park? I have found with traveling to more nature based settings, I don’t need disney like I once did. Guess we are the only ones as people are still flocking there. Why visit a place that is made up of nonsense stories when history comes to life in your own country.
Disney doesn’t care at all. Hate all of these increases.
If it’s not enough to charge for Genie Plus and Individual Attraction, now Disney is charging more for ENTERING THE PARK. Death By A Million Cuts. SHAME ON YOU DISNEY.?
Is there no end to Disney’s greed? Haven’t the prices of transportation, lodging, food, Genie+, Magic Bands and parking increased enough to satisfy all the bean counters? Does Disney really need to nickel and dime the multiple day ticket prices, too. It is just so frustrating and discouraging. Have a little consideration for your loyal fans, Disney! Throw us a bone. Let us at least be able to say that you are not raising multiple day ticket prices.
The Disney World companies greed is over the top!!! If I didn’t stand to lose money, I would certainly cancel my upcoming vacation. Decision made, the 50th Anniversary is the last for my family. Disney will continue to raise prices as long as people continue to pay…
On top of “excessive” pricing…they have cut and continue to cut out what was once offered. The salaries at the top are beyond wildly greedy!!! Why are so many still willing to ride the wave with them? There are more exciting places to see and do….
So what else is new… Bob Cepek is in charge and prices are going up.
I tried to get in on the Moonlight Magic for March 31st, as my friend from up north was coming to visit for 10 days and she hadn’t been here since her daughter was 7 and she’s now 51!!! Of course, I didn’t check my email until Monday AM so lost out on calling or going online right away on Sunday when it got posted to get a room so I could get Epcot for free for her and some free food like they always have for Moonlight Magic. What a shock when I had to pay just short of $159.00 for a 1 day ticket to Epcot for her. I couldn’t even get 2 rooms on consecutive days at the same DVC hotel. So now we have Saratoga Springs for the first day and then have to move to Boardwalk the next day. She’ll be in for a real shock!!! I have the annual pass with fortunately no blackout dates while she’s here, so got her a 1 day pass to Epcot. We’re in our middle 70’s and can get around pretty good, but I was shocked that DVC was so full. They have full occupancy for DVC hotels, but I was under the impression that the Disney Parks weren’t at full capacity yet. Am I wrong about that? Doesn’t make sense to have full occupancy at the DVC hotels and not at the parks. I got put on a wait list for Moonlight Magic for a DVC hotel room, but that will probably never materialize.
The CEO of Disney must think people are just made of money. Sadly this is not the case.
I think it is a crime what is happening to hopper passes. Those prices are inexcusable, talk about going too far. Never will I pay for them even if the time started before 2:00 . Having had AP’s continuously since 1999 and experiencing many, many changes this CEO is despicable. If my current AP’s were not a gift we would not be going back. How unfortunate WDW has just become another plain ‘ole amusement park and an expensive one.
I can’t belive that a family oriented park is so expensive that it’s out of reach from many families.
Shame on you for raising prices and did away with annual passes.
Hi Lisa! You can actually visit all four parks in one day with the park hopper. You just can’t get access to your second park until 2pm.
I suspect DVC rooms are full in the Fall, because many people had to use the points that they banked due to COVID before the end of the year.
I too am appalled that Disney is constantly raising prices for the parks. All they are interested now is in Disney+ streaming service (which I will NEVER EVER buy).
Chapek and the board have made it clear that the streaming service is their priority and they don’t care about those people who have supported the parks and the Disney brand for years. I am very sad that I actually bought into DVC and once my points are used up from the COVID banking I am going to sell. I’m truly finished with Disney.
The “discount” structure – Ok, there IS no Discount on anything Disney these days with the new shell games but play along with me – has stayed relatively stable in one respect; if they can get you at near full-price for four days, they’re happy to substantially reduce days 5-10 by a substantial amount. I looked back at a planning spreadsheet I did in 2018 and the reduction in price for days 5-10 was at least 83% below Day 1. Looking at the numbers in this post, after you’ve shelled out nearly full boat for days 1-4, days 5-10 are reduced by at least 72% below Day 1.
There used to be reductions of 15, 16 and 28% for days 2-4 (below the Day 1 cost) and now the comical “reduction” is only 4, 5 and 3% for days 2-4, so the short-stay penalty is higher on a percentage basis.
The point is that they’re still glad to let you into the parks for “pocket change” (between $12 and $32 per additional Hopper day, formerly between $4 and $18 in 2018 for what I THINK were Hopper days because that’s what we did) after you stay the first four days, willing to “settle” for “just” your hotel, parking, dining and souvenir money for the rest of your trip. Sure, this is nothing more than dangling the preverbal carrot in front of you to stay 7-10 nights instead of four because you can’t bear to miss those cheaper park days, but it’s comforting, like sitting on the head of a nail instead of the point, that at least this has remained somewhat constant.
OOf! I took a year break out of the Disney loop and after returning to plan for our next trip, the despair is astounding. Forums and comment sections have been over taken by people trying to shout loud enough for Disney to hear.
Don’t say anything positive in a Disney trip planning community unless you’re ready to deal with multiple aggressive posters insisting that your trip will suck and crying that ‘their’ Disney is gone. Where is Mr Krabbs with his tiny violin?
There are legitimate gripes but OMG, many twisted realities. I just needed to vent about all the venting. 98% of 2022 Disney communities is venting.