We have a LOT of opinions about Disney World bathrooms.
That may seem weird, but when you spend every single day of the year in Disney World, you start to develop some strong feelings about seemingly insignificant things. We have our preferred list of facilities — we know which ones are the best and quietest, and which restrooms are unnecessarily crowded or dirty. But outside of that, we also know two things that Disney World bathrooms desperately need.
Throughout the many minutes (probably more likely many hours) I’ve spent in Disney World bathrooms, there have been many times where I’ve needed more storage in the stall! Typically, the public restroom stalls are just stocked with the basics — a toilet, toilet paper, a trash can, and one or two hooks for your bag.
But what if you have small items that don’t hang up? Things like cell phones, sunglasses, hand fans, or wallets need places to be set down if you don’t have a bag with pockets. And we definitely don’t want to sit them on the floor! An occasional solution is to balance them on the trash can lid or toilet paper container, but that doesn’t always work.
My proposal? I think all Disney World restrooms should come with small shelves in the stalls! These would be great for stowing your smaller belongings and would help prevent any more accidents where I drop my phone under the stall next to me or let my sunglasses fall in the toilet. (Don’t ask!)
But that’s not the only thing Disney World bathrooms need! My other big complaint about the public restroom situation in Disney World is the toilet paper. It’s like half-ply or something, I don’t know! It’s SO thin and I feel like I have to mummify my hand to get a substantial amount for doing my business.
Honestly, I would pay like $50 more on my annual pass if it just meant that Disney World could get better toilet paper. I would ride Kali River Rapids in jeans. I would eat only salads in the parks for a year. I might even volunteer to ride in an Astro Orbiter rocket with a stranger. Whatever it takes, my friends!
Higher-caliber toilet paper would definitely improve my rating of Disney World bathrooms and would increase my quality of life in the parks during the summer significantly. Who do I need to speak to about this? What petition do I need to sign? Who’s with me?!
So there you go — the two things that I think Disney World bathrooms desperately need. What do you think they’re lacking?
Stay tuned to DFB for more news and updates from Disney World and all the tips for your vacation.
Click Here to See the BEST Disney World Bathrooms!
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How would you improve Disney World restrooms? Let us know in the comments!
I always bring TP in my suitcase for the hotel rooms Doesn’t help in parks but sure helps in the rooms
We’re at Magic Kingdom right now and my husband just complained about the toilet paper!
My 5yo daughter was terrified of the auto-flush functions on all of the toilets, due to the noise and also unpredictability. Refused to go all day and would wet herself if we did get back to the hotel quick enough. My suggestion would be to have a couple of toilets without the auto-flush function for children with sensory issues.
Totally agree! I often refer to the toilet paper as “toilet paper strings” because it’s basically useless!!
OMG, that is so true re the toilet paper. Considering how much MORE of it you have to use, I really wonder if it ends up being cheaper in the long run.
Ladies restrooms at some ski areas have little baskets, not shelves, to hold items while in the stall. Those would be a big problem solver.
What they really need is a bidet attachment for each seat in a stall. If they had that, the sandpaper toilet paper would not be so bad as all you would be doing is drying off.
Kirsten, I hear you! I have been known to bring something in with me to cover the sensor on the toilet! Even in the companion bathroom they have automatic flushing toilets and when you are helping someone transfer to the toilet it flushes multiple times before you even sit down🤪
No, no, we don’t need shelves. We’ll be banging into them and getting black and blue. You have to learn to bring less to the Parks. I use my fanny pack. Has my phone, lip gloss, reading glasses, sun glasses, Park pass and credit card. I even might have one snack bar. OR I have a very light weight back pack…not a regular heavy back pack. The kind of pack that might be an inexpensive give away. Easy to wear and take off. I visited recently and even had ponchos in it.
My biggest complaints about the bathrooms throughout DW is handicap access. Yes I am handicapped due to a near fatal car accident 13years ago. I use my own electric scooter as I cannot walk for miles and miles. Next time you enter a bathroom imagine sitting in a scooter or wheelchair and try to get the door open by yourself!! Next to impossible as the doors open inward, and of course to get out you have to pull it toward yourself. How about automatic door openers?? Also the number of times I wait as non handicapped people use the handicap stalls, since most bathrooms only have 1 handicap stall it is very frustrating waiting as non handicapped people use the only stall that people who through no fault of their own is handicapped!! Just because I have limited mobility from my car accident caused by a careless driver doesn’t mean I am going to just sit at home and never do anything, I love DW!!
I’ve lamented the TP quality in the Parks and Disney Springs for years. I actually have a picture I took of a translucent piece of TP outside of one of the Disney Springs bathrooms…you can actually see through it! While I appreciate this is one of Disney’s attemps to be “green” and easy on their pipes and treatment systems, it’s unsanitary and people are trying to make it work by using 5 times as much to protect our hands…unsuccessfully I might add. Hotels are a bit better (The more deluxe the hotel, the higher the quality of TP). I also feel the same about the trickle of water from the faucets…not a sufficient flow to wash and rinse our hands properly. As with the status of quality TP, the more deluxe venues get better water flow.
You are spot on! The toilet paper is SO CHEAP! I can’t believe how much money I spend at Disney and they offer you crap (pun intended) toilet paper. I also end up bringing T-paper and wipes!
Disney bathrooms used to be spotless until around the late 1990s. Every one of them had a cleaner on duty nearly constantly, making sure things were kept clean and supplied. And they actually smelled clean! No more! I think I saw maybe 4 cleaners in bathrooms in 4 park days! After Luminous, the UK restrooms were as filthy as they are after a concert or football game. Spend some of our money you are raking in Disney, and bring back clean restrooms!
THOUGHTS… Tp- money rules all things at Disney. They go with the lowest bidder. Also need thin TP to lower clogged toilets.
SHELF.. many years ago there were shelfs in stalls. Guest left their items on shelf and teen guest tried to ‘seat’ on shelf which resulted in them never being replaced.
The parks would be pleasure to visit if it wasn’t for the guest;)
😁🤣🤣🤣! This is great! 🤣🤣🤣😁, after the week I had I needed to read a blog like this! Thanks for lightening my day! I owe you!
OMG, that is some strong feelings about TP, AJ!! LOL Totally agree about the shelf, I hate putting stuff on the floor, my soda, my phone, and/or phone charger. Just gross. Hopefully, someone from Disney sees this and answers.
My Mother is in a wheelchair and when she needs to use the Restroom, we need to get to the lavatory without delay. But invariably the disabled stall/s are being used by Mothers with children and we have to wait and wait and wait. Often for multiple children. Disabled facilities should be for the disabled. There should be a special key code/key, only given to those that can’t use normal stalls.
Need a shelf yes please! I’ve seen bathrooms that have fold-up shelves so you don’t bang into them – please add them Disney!!!!!!
I have dropped my debit card in a toilet once, but not at Disney World. That was fun.
thank you Steve I too have to use ECV because of bone problems. I am so tired of waiting for “legs” to get out of the 1 area for us,when there are 10-20 for them.Or how embarrassing is it that I have to park my EVC so I can get as close to the toilet and leave the door open for ill mannered kids to look at me. We need a code to use to open handicap stall doors before we need fluffy TP.
One thing my wife and I have noticed, over the past four years, is that more than a few WDW restrooms lack a baby changing tables. We have asked Cast Members near the facility if anyone else has mentioned this oversight. They may show surprise, and agree with the proposal, but there is no evidence of change.
As a side topic, over the last few years, I have requested my family and friends to rate restrooms (by specific location in the Parks or Resort) for their creative design, color application, and general appropriate theme (including music). People should know where a high-scoring restroom is worth a visit, just for the quality of it. You guys have evaluated some unusual restrooms as part of an overall report, but I have never seen a study on the best of the bogs.
Every park NEEDS at least one family bathroom with an adult changing table in it preferably on the opposite side of the park from First Aid. Ideally every baby changing table should be removed and replaced with an adult size changing table. Imagine being in France at Epcot and the closest & ONLY bathroom you can use is in First Aid near the Odyssey building. Then you finally get there and both rooms are occupied that have a long high table. Or imagine being in Magic Kingdom in Fantasyland during fireworks or a parade and it’s impossible to get to First Aid. There NEEDS to be more options for disabled adults/children! Some people just can’t see the blessings they have right in front of them. Forget the toilet pare and shelves. Those are minor issues. Be thankful you have several bathrooms in every land that you can use anytime with at least some type of toilet paper that works!
100% of the stall doors should have occupied/available indicators on them. So many times there is a line but there are empty stalls.
I have been saying for years they need to utilize the scent technology in their bathrooms. Let’s have bathrooms smelling like the classic Disney scents like the pirates fire scene or the oranges from Soarin’.
There are some of us who need to use the handicapped stalls that do not appear to be handicapped – that would be me! If you saw me entering or leaving the stall, you would think I was not handicapped, but I have 2 bad knees, so I need to use the grab bars to get on and off the toilet, In a normal stall, there is nothing to hold on to except the sanitary pad trash can (and I am not putting my hand on that), so please do not judge us just because we are not in a wheelchair or using a scooter.
I agree . The toilet paper at WDW is atrocious. So thin and cheap you can’t feel adequately taken care of when you go. And the water pressure at the sinks are laughable. No wonder there is so much sickness passed around there.
I use a EVC and I try to use the handicap companion bathrooms. Most of the one have ample space in the bathroom. But the one main complaint is since they are for handicap why don’t they have a door button, that would open the door automatically it would make alot easier.
On a side note at the Arts of Animation I was doing some laundry and it is a problem because your magic band reader is far enough away that it is almost impossible to read your magic band and get the door open I don’t know why they can’t do a magic band reader and a handicap button to open the laundry door.
Public places have to use that kind of toilet paper for their plumbing. It is the same everywhere. No bathroom stall is posh, you need to carry a bag to put your stuff in or have someone in your party hold it for you. As long as it clean and there is toilet paper, I am grateful!
Please more taller toilets. US senior citizens have problems getting up from the low toilets they have. My daughter is laughing at me but I’m sure I’m not the only one.