Disappearing rainbow corridors, a seemingly-limitless number of hidden Mickeys, and…Kurt Russel?
Disney World is full of mysteries.
food IS a theme park
Disappearing rainbow corridors, a seemingly-limitless number of hidden Mickeys, and…Kurt Russel?
Disney World is full of mysteries.
Topiaries and butterflies and great food – oh my! EPCOT’s Festival of Arts has officially put away the chalk and paints, for now, to make room for the Flower and Garden Festival!
We’ve tasted EVERYTHING Flower and Garden has to offer, and we’re ready to tell you about the BEST of the FEST – here on DFB Guide.
We’ve got seven dwarfs ice cream cones (seven of them of course), spiked jungle juice, and…have you ever tried a Mickey scone?
Didn’t think so. All that and MORE when we share today’s BIG snack updates!
Where’s the one place in Disney World where you can find a charcuterie board from space, a pizza place owned by a rat, and some of the most controversial snacks?
Disney’s Hollywood Studios has seemingly endless options when it comes to food, but sometimes those options fall flat and make us all sad inside.
Disney’s Star Wars Hotel is officially open and we KNOW you’ve got questions. How’s that blue shrimp taste? Am I really stuck in space for 48 hours? Do I need to dress to the galactic nines on board?
And what are you REALLY getting for that $6,000 price tag? Stick around because we’ve got answers.
Sure, we love Disney World parks and all.
But that doesn’t mean we promised to be by their side “for better or for worse” …right?
We stayed at Disney’s Star Wars Hotel and it’s time to find out if this truly is a “revolutionary vacation experience” or a failure. It’s time to weigh in on what makes this hotel so contentious among fans, so outrageous to Disney outsiders looking at that $6,000 price tag, and so alluring for the folks who have already booked their outer space vacations.
We’re gonna find out why Disney went all-in on an experience that seemingly puts only the wealthiest guests inside a windowless bunker for two full days surrounded by aliens, possibly questionable food choices, and endless decisions to live out their own “epic Star Wars story.”
How to get on Disney World’s MOST POPULAR RIDE, how to get a seat at that super popular galactic bar, and what’s all this about a barbecue restaurant run by toys?
We’ve got the ultimate guide to Hollywood Studios for you today on DFB Guide!
If you’ve ever pulled up the Disney World website to book a vacation only to close out of it immediately after because of intense sticker shock, raise your hand now. (I can’t see you, but I’m assuming the majority of you shot your arm STRAIGHT in the air.)
Disney’s prices can be INTENSE. But sometimes experiences can be SO expensive that our bank account starts screaming before we even get the chance to click “confirm purchase.”
How to skip literally the LONGEST line in Disney World, get a super unique, custom souvenir for only $6, and get access to a secret menu?
We’ve got some incredible tips about things NOBODY will tell you today on DFB guide!