Inspired by the Disney animated classic, Sleeping Beauty, the Broken Spell Lounge is tucked inside Disneyland Hotel.
Sip a specialty cocktail such as a Basil Blackberry Bramble, a Barrel-Aged Boulevardier or a classic Old Fashioned. You might choose to sample a Whisky Flight featuring Scotch, Bourbon, Rye or even Japanese Whisky. Wines and beers are also on offer.
Pair your beverage with small bites such as Chicken Wings or Truffle Fries, or satisfy your hunger with a Wagyu Cheeseburger or Charcuterie Pizza!
Though it’s called “Broken Spell,” we think you’ll find this cozy spot utterly enchanting!
Service: Bar and Lounge
Type of Food: American
Location: Disneyland Hotel
Official Disney Menu
A NEW Disney Lounge Is NOW OPEN — Check Out Our FULL REVIEW
Important Info:
- Broken Spell Lounge is typically an evening spot, with 4PM being a common opening hour.
Famous Dishes: Bramble cocktail, Wagyu Cheeseburger
Disney Food Blog Posts Mentioning Broken Spell Lounge
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