A Sampling of Available Celebration Disks
I saw these for the first time on my recent Disney trip and thought they were really fun! If you’re celebrating an anniversary, a birthday, or anything else, just purchase one of these little chocolate disks for $.75, smack it on top of a cupcake, and you’re in business! (Can you tell I’m a big fan of celebrations that don’t require a whole lot of planning? 😉 )
Chocolate Decorative Disks at Disney
If you don’t feel like DIY, you can always buy a celebration item pre-decorated! I found these at Goofy’s Candy Company in Downtown Disney.
Grab A Pre-Made Celebration Snack
There’s even a disk that says, “Will You Marry Me?” — I don’t know about you, but the way to my heart is definitely through my stomach…preferably via a Mickey rice crispie treat!