Guest posts are welcome at the Disney Food Blog. Disney restaurants and food items change all the time and Disney food is a very subjective topic, so your voice gives the DFB a refreshing variety of interesting reads and opinions!
Topic Approval
The first step is to search the Disney Food Blog to be sure that we haven’t recently covered your topic. If we have, that doesn’t mean that we won’t be able to publish your guest post, it only means that we might have to wait several months before publishing.
Please submit your topic idea to webmaster [at] for review. This will insure that your topic isn’t already being covered by another guest author or columnist in the near future. It’s a good idea to become familiar with the Disney Food Blog’s formatting for restaurant reviews. Also, please review past guest posts and reviews to become familiar with the light-hearted tone that the Disney Food Blog conveys to its readers.
Please note: we’re always dreaming up new ideas here on the Disney Food Blog. If you submit a post idea and we happen to be already working on a post similar to that idea, we cannot give you credit for it. As such, if you have a great idea that you want to reserve for yourself, please don’t share it with us.
We reserve the right to reject ideas that are not appropriate for the Disney Food Blog.
Post Policies
Please note the following guest post policies:
- Your article must be original and not published elsewhere, in whole or in part, on the internet prior to or after its publishing on the Disney Food Blog.
- You may include one link in your byline, which will be displayed at the end of the post. Unfortunately, we’re not able to link to websites that currently compete — or could compete — with any of our sponsors. This is not a requirement from our sponsors, but Disney Food Blog has made this choice to better serve and promote our partners. We also cannot include links to sites that are not related in any way to Disney, travel, or food. Overall, we reserve the right to decline a link if we consider it to be inappropriate for our site in any way.
- Keep your writing informal and use a conversational tone.
- When writing a restaurant review, keep in mind that Disney Food Blog strives not to deem a restaurant “good” or “bad,” but to help readers determine whether a restaurant is a good pick for their family. For example, while you might not have loved your meal at T-Rex Cafe, the restaurant might be perfect for a family with small, dino-loving children. Keep the tone of restaurant reviews more informative rather than critical.
- All posts must include numerous photos. When writing a restaurant review, please include multiple atmosphere (restaurant shots inside and outside) photos for your review as well as food photos for each meal item you discuss in your post.
- Include a short bio so that we may introduce you to our readers at the beginning of the post.
Post Submission
Once your topic is approved and you’ve agreed to the guidelines set forth above, please submit your post in an attached document to Kim [at] Please follow our “Atmosphere – Eats – Overall” format if you’re submitting a restaurant review, and note in the post where you’d like each photo to be placed.
Photo Submission
All posts must include accompanying photos. You must have authority and permission to use the photos, and they must not be published on any other content-based websites (photo-sharing websites like flickr and photobucket, etc., excluded) before or after being published on the Disney Food Blog.
- Include the name that you wish to have watermarked on the photo so that proper credit is given.
- Indicate within the body of your text where you would like each photo to be displayed.
- Name your photos with captions prior to sending.
- Submit to Kim [at] in a zipped file attachment (JPG format) along with your post submission. It is requested that food photos be at least 800 pixels and menu photos be 1500 pixels. If this is not possible, please let us know in advance.
Post Editing
We reserve the right to correct grammar, spelling, etc. as well as to add links to other posts on the Disney Food Blog. We will research for accuracy if needed. Please note that if major changes are necessary, we will respectfully suggest that you edit the post appropriately so that we can move forward with it at a later date. If the post is inappropriate for the Disney Food Blog, we reserve the right to reject it.
Publishing Timeframe
When submitting your article, please understand that it may take up to 6 months or more to publish.