We are back with some of our very best kept Disney Dining Secrets, courtesy of the DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining. And we want to share them with you! And today’s topic is so big that we’re not just writing about it…we’re sharing a DFB Video about it too!
The Disney Dining Plan and Other Discounts: Do the Math
It’s a question that we get over and over again: Does the Disney Dining Plan really save me money?
The answer depends heavily on the person asking it, and the people using the benefits. Let’s break it down.
The Disney Dining Plan. Will the Disney Dining Plan save me money? Well, the answer is…maybe. It all depends on how you get it, and how savvy you are as you use it.
Disney Restaurants, for the most part, operate within very specific ranges of cost per meal. So when you use those Disney Dining Credits, they’ve already pretty much figured out how much, on average, your meal would cost without them. [Read more…]