You’re a busy person, right? Between work, kiddos, school, cooking, exercise, planning your next Disney trip, and just trying to get a break, some things can fall through the cracks — and that can be especially true when it comes to Christmas shopping (or really shopping for presents of any kind!).
You’ve made the list and you’ve checked it twice, but days before Christmas you might just realize…you forgot to get a gift for someone! Or maybe someone unexpectedly got you a gift and now you’ve just got to get them a gift too. But there’s no time! Unless you want to brave the stores or you find a gift that’ll get to you FAST, you may need to opt for a digital gift. An ordinary gift card might seem a little too “impersonal” or feel too last-minute for some, but there are some amazing and unique digital gifts you can download RIGHT NOW that’ll actually feel really thoughtful!