If you’ve yet to visit the Disney World hotels you’re considering for your next trip, how do you know you’re making the right decision for you and your family? Think about it for a moment. Comparing hotels solely by a short online description and a few stock photos can make you feel like you’ve made the right choice based on a smidge of idyllic information provided, but that scenario has led to a disaster of a time over and over again. Plenty of our readers have written in to tell us that once they arrived for their vacation, it was NOTHING like what they expected and they wish they had more experience built into their decision.

Wilderness Lodge
Some folks were looking for a lively atmosphere with lots of activities around only to be met with the polar opposite of their expectations. Others walked into total chaos of loud transportation and ginormous crowds which was definitely not what they anticipated when they opted to spend thousands of dollars on their trip. That’s where we’re ready to step in and help — you see, we’ve actually stayed at ALL of the Disney World hotels, and let’s just say, we’ve got thoughts! [Read more…]