On a visit through Adventureland and Frontierland last month, I noticed that some of the local restaurants had rules I wasn’t even aware of… . Figured I’d share them here with you so that you can avoid finding yourself in a sticky bind in the future…
Should you find yourself wandering into Tortuga Tavern, remember the Code of Conduct below (be sure to click to enlarge — you’ll need to read it all), including “Every man has equal right to fresh provisions (iffin he has the gold),” and “A witness shall be present for gaming at cards or dice. (Short drop and sudden stop for cheatin’ scallywags.).”
And, of course, no monkeys.
Next door at Pecos Bill Tall Tale Inn and Cafe there is a shorter list of rules, but they’re no less important (after all, this is the Code of the West). Methinks the last one is likely the most [Read more…]