OK, I think it’s part of my job to keep you guys updated on fun and delicious Disney foods that you can find in Disney Parks and Resorts. This is why I’m always showcasing things like the butterfinger cupcake, that incredible Earl of Sandwich brownie frosting sandwich of wonderfulness, and plastic cheese.
But sometimes, a food makes it into the list of “You Won’t Believe This!” Snacks not because it’s heaven on Earth to eat, but because it strikes just the right combination of creepy, alien, and partly-delicious/partly-gross to be outrageous. Today, that’s the Giant Gummy Bear.
Introduction to the Giant Gummy Bear
That’s right. These are gummy bears that are big enough to sit on their own bums.
We’ve talked about gummies at Disney Parks before, but these are another thing entirely. At 4 inches tall and over [Read more…]