We got some fun pics yesterday from Jacquie Symonds over on Google+ of the brand new Cheshire Cafe (the new name for the Enchanted Grove) in Disney World’s Magic Kingdom!
This change brings the counter-service kiosk’s theme into the fold of the Alice in Wonderland area of Fantasyland, which makes sense since it’s located right next to the Teacups ride! Let’s take a look at the changes between the old Enchanted Grove and the new Cheshire Cafe!
We’ve changed here from the fruity display of the Enchanted Grove, featuring Chip and Dale (or chipmunks of some variety), to the Cheshire Cat logo on a sign that looks like it’s being held onto the structure with vines! Minute Maid is still sponsoring the booth.
Outside Appearance
The structure of the kiosk hasn’t changed much, but you can see that there is a new design on the front and side wainscoting and the accent color has changed from aqua to a [Read more…]