There are some scary things in Disney World that are sure to send a chill up your spine, like hitchhiking ghosts (we’re not convinced that they don’t actually follow us home sometimes), free-falling elevators, and villainous encounters. But then there are some ACTUALLY scary things that can happen while you’re in the parks that can pluck you right out of the magic and send you into a panic.

Tower of Terror
Disney World might be The Most Magical Place on Earth, but it’s still real-life folks, which means that real-life problems can happen (yes, even in Magic Kingdom). To make sure your vacation is as smooth and stress-free as possible, it’s best to be prepared for a few possible emergencies before you visit. So, from losing your keys, being separated from your group, or experiencing a medical emergency, we’re taking a look at 8 genuinely frightening things that can happen in Disney World and how you should deal with them. [Read more…]