Welcome back DFB author Wendy with another delicious review.
Today we’re going back to Epcot’s Germany Pavilion to visit Karamell-Küche!
Let’s stop in and taste what’s new!
It’s somewhat hard to believe that this little corner of the World is just over three years old, since a stop at Karamell-Küche has already become a tradition for caramel fans…
…and chocolate fans.
Did I mention popcorn fans?
Oh, and any guests who might like ridiculously yummy things in general ;).
Tucked into this small space are almost more golden caramel goodies than one can fathom. It’s no wonder the nearly ever-present queue line draws to a halt fairly often. After all, it’s difficult to make a lightning-fast decision when you come upon something like this:
How can they possibly fit one more piece of sweet, buttery caramel goodness inside that case?
Well, my friends, that’s a trick question… because they haven’t added one. They’ve added FIVE! And I am SO excited to share each one with you!
We’ll start with the Caramel Cheesecake with Chocolate… mainly because that’s where I actually started. I mean, what self-respecting cheesecake fanatic could wait to try this?
This little number is exactly what cheesecake lovers would expect and hope for: a rich, creamy vanilla cheesecake with a traditional graham cracker crust, altered only by the veritable pool of caramel in the center.
While the name obviously mentions chocolate, it is only present in the milk chocolate circle placed on top, featuring the signature Werther’s golden “W.”
I really wanted to get a cross-section picture for you, so you could see for yourself the depth of the caramel within the cheesecake. However, the minute I sliced the cheesecake, the caramel started to ooze in such a way that the best I could capture was this:
It is a sight to behold :). The only thing that trumped the sight was the taste: the cheesecake and caramel could have stood well enough on its own, but the chocolate was a delicious little accompaniment. I recommend eating it right along with the cheesecake, instead of snatching it off first thing and chomping it whole, no matter how tempted you may be!
Next, we’ll sample the [Read more…]