We have the details for a Disney Gift Card discount that is happening NOW and for a limited time!
There is a limited-time deal going on at Sam’s Club, and we are letting you know all about it!
food IS a theme park
We have the details for a Disney Gift Card discount that is happening NOW and for a limited time!
There is a limited-time deal going on at Sam’s Club, and we are letting you know all about it!
We’ve reported recently on the supply chain issues that could impact your shopping in Disney World.
Now it looks like supply chain issues could impact a major kids’ menu staple at many restaurants and grocery stores around the nation. If you have a picky kiddo who always sticks to one food, you might want to read on.
Everglazed Donuts & Cold Brew opened up in Disney Springs just a few weeks ago and we’ve visited several times to give you ALL the delicious details.
Grilled Cheeeeese
And (of course) while we were there we HAD to try Everglazed’s Grilled Cheeeeeese (that’s literally how it’s spelled on the menu). But we held nothing back and got this sammy on a GLAZED DONUT and let us tell you, that was some MAGIC. But it seems we’re not the only ones who have hopped on the donut grilled cheeeeeese train. From Seth Meyers to Today, this donut sammy is taking the world by storm and the photos/videos they’re using look awfully familiar!