I’m a soup-lover from way back, and one of my favorites has always been tomato basil. So when I was on a recent research trip at the Magic Kingdom, I was very excited to find tomato basil soup listed on the menu at Pinocchio Village Haus!
Soup is a great snack — cheap, filling, and usually carrying fewer calories and fat than other snacks at the Kingdom.
But, at the time, I thought to myself — how good could it be? I’ve had exceptional tomato basil soup, but I’ve also had plenty of versions that don’t come close to making the cut.
Without too many expectations, I found a seat upstairs at the Village Haus and dug in — and it was amazing! I’m not kidding you. I don’t recommend something to you if I don’t love it, and I’m telling you this soup is gorgeous. Savory, buttery, creamy, and very flavorful. Usually when I’m researching, my companions and I split it and I only take a few bites, but I’m pretty sure I commandeered this cup of soup and just about ate the whole thing!
So, just a quick post to let you know, if you like soup as much as I do — tomato basil particularly — head over to the Village Haus on your next Magic Kingdom visit! For under $3 or a snack credit, it’s more than worth it! Plus, let’s be honest, no matter how many calories there are in that cup of soup, it’s still “real food” and can definitely stave off some serious hunger giving you even more ride time! 🙂
i don’t know the name of the cart in Liberty Square that sells the baked potatoes, but they also sell a creamy chicken and orzo soup that is really good. Last trip my husband and i split the soup and a baked potato and it was delicious and filling. Plus I think it was only 2 snack credits!
Wow! That soup looks amazing! Sometimes, it can get chilly at night in Florida, especially if you are a bit damp from a ride on Splash Mountain. This sounds like a good solution. 😉
Will definitely try this soup on my next visit!
That looks amazing. Have you tried the tomato basil soup at the Plaza Inn(?)(next to the ice cream parlor) It is so good…I wonder if they are similar recipes?
OOooooh – Me Likey! 🙂
Quick note: When we find gems like this that we enjoy within Walt DisneyWorld, it would be great if we can take a moment and stop by City Hall to let them know. They will usually ask you to fill out a comment card and the management of the facility gets the information. It’s a great way to keep the gems there!
I love this soup! Disney’s soups are really the undiscovered country when it comes to budget meals. Our food court at the All Stars serves one or two soups per day and I have enjoyed this rich tomato soup there as a quick lunch or evening snack instead of something sweet. Add a muffin, salad, fruit or other snack item, and you have a two-snack-credit meal that will fill you up, especially if you use your resort mug for a beverage.
Do you get saltines with that? I would need crackers.
That looks awesome! If it’s not 10,000 degrees next week (heck, Sunday!), I might have to get a cup of that!
Does this tomato basil soup come in a souvenir soup mug at Pinocchio’s Village Hays ? I’ve seen the souvenir soup mugs for sale on Ebay recently. But the girl I got one from bought hers at Disneyland. I didn’t know you could even get soupins in side the parks. But these souvenir soup mugs are really really adorable. So if anyone has seen them being sold at Disney World.. please let me know where?
There Vegetable soup is really good too!! I always get a few cups to take up to my room. The food courts at the resorts usually close up before we can get back from the parks at night. So I keep a few cups in my room, and pop one in the microwave.
I had it today and it was delish!!! It was rainy and cool all day and it hit the spot. Now I am scouring the Internet to try to find a copycat recipe.
This soup is amazing!! I want the recipe!